
News Update :


Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, March 31, 2012 | 5:43 PM

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hi dearies, welcome to the month of APRIL. There's something remarkable about this month, it is starting on the first day of the week (Sunday) and this is very special. There's going to be showers of blessings, unprecedented favour, abundance of grace, open doors, and many more.

Joke of  The Day

An atheist decided to file a petition on the grounds that Christians have so many holidays and celebrations like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday but no day is set aside for the atheist to celebrate. On the day of judgement, the judge asked the atheist to plead his case and when he was through, the judge dismissed the case. The atheist was furious and demanded for justification; the judge told him that  there is actually a day set out for atheists and if he was aware of that,  he wouldn't have made a case in the first place. The judge turned to Proverbs 1:7 which says "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; but fools despise wisdom and instruction". The judge told him that since he doesn't fear the Lord that means he is a fool and the official day set out for fools is April 1st (hahahahaaa), so the case was officially closed. The atheist left without further argument.


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Penulis : Unknown on Friday, March 30, 2012 | 5:02 AM

Friday, March 30, 2012

   DRESS UP  BOX    

  • Dress up "styling".
  • Quirky novelty pattern and prints.
  • Miss match fabrics/textures and garment shapes.
  • Pastel shapes with rave style accessories.
  • The idea of "anti beauty".
  • Playful and fresh for spring/summer.
  • Anything goes quality.
  • Naive imagery.
  • Bright statement pieces complimented by candy sahes.

Trend Forecaster weekly contributor - HanaMarie.☮   [ ]

© 2012 by HanaMarie. All rights reserved.   Inspirational layout may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission.

Source of inspirations:
Meadham Kirchhoff, Meadham Kirchhoff, Commes Des Garcons, Meadham Kirchhoff, Vivienne Westwood, Jeremy Scott, Louise Gray, Moschino Cheap and Chic, Meadham Kirchoff, Louise Grey and Vivienne Westwood
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AFTER ALL HE'S DONE FOR YOU....Guest Post by Belle

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 | 7:32 AM

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

While reading one of Joel Osteen’s Today's Word, I saw something that struck my inner chord. He said that in life we need both the negative and positive sides of life to experience the total experience of a beautiful life. I guess the beauty of it is that to appreciate the sweet things, we sometimes go through some bitter parts too and believe me those periods are not so sweet. So lately, it looks like I’ve been experiencing that bitter part and I don’t know if it happens to you but I got to the point where I was choked up. I received a shocking news and it stretched me beyond my elastic limit; I was so down and didn’t know what to do, I was about to start complaining and asking God why when I remembered that I received a mail from a friend titled – BE ENCOURAGED. I quickly opened the mail and there it was…my aphrodisiac. It felt like someone just massaged the pains away and there was this relief in my spirit after I read it; so I decided to share with you. One thing I know is that God is never too late or too early but always at the right time; He always shows up when you least expect and no matter what you’re going through…remember all the good things He has done and be encouraged cos that same God will do it again this time. He’s the same yesterday, today and FOREVER. I’ll share some verses with you, they give me hope in hopeless situations and strengthens my faith in God.

Habbakuk 2:3 (AMP) “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come”.

Genesis 28:15 (AMP) “ And behold, I am with thee and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of”.

Jeremiah 29:11 (KJV) “For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you an expected end”.

It's a new day and it's got blue skies, fresh air and plenty of sun to warm up our bodies and tan our skin (free tan). I was reading Cindy Trimm's 'Commanding Your Morning' and i came across this passage that struck me like a lightning bolt. So, as usual, I thought to share. I hope it strikes you as hard as it struck me.

Numbers 14:1-11
Most of us know the story of the people of Israel; their sojourn in Egypt, the wilderness and their almost entry into their promised land. But can we remember their continuous complaint to God? Hmmmm....let's read few verses to jog our memories.

Verse 2 "...If only we had died in Egypt or even in the wilderness!..."

Verse 3 "...why is the lord taking us to this country only to have us die...wouldn't it be better to return to Egypt?"

Translate these complaints to your present situation and you may hear yourself say to God '...why Lord? Why can't you meet my needs? Why have you brought me here to die? Why is my career on hold? Why isn't there a breakthrough? What have I done wrong? (more like, what aren't you doing right lord?).

Hear God's response in verse 11 "And the lord said to Moses, how long will these people treat me with contempt? Will they never believe me, even after all the miraculous signs I have done among them?"

God wasn't angry at their unbelief or rage. He was hurt. There's a huge difference between Anger and Pain. He felt pain "...after all the miraculous sings: manna straight from heaven, water from the rock, his presence as a pillar of cloud hovering over them as protection, his presence as pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night, and of course, parting the red sea for them to walk on dry land and drowning their enemies behind them". After all these, they still treated God with contempt. I read that verse and I remember times when I doubted in fear and he said to me 'Bel, haven't I always been there for you? Why don't you trust me?'

Psalms 27:10 "Even if my father and mother forsake me, then will the lord take care of me". That was David speaking. But he spoke on my behalf. Even when my parents forsook me (in death) God fed me, clothed me, saw me through to the end of my studies, gave me a place to stay without paying a dime, gave me an awesome job, brought me to the UK where I knew no one, took care of my visa and tuition fee, saw me through my Master degree, gave me a Distinction in my Thesis and an overall Merit, brought me to Hillsong  Church , brought me to Connect Group and blessed me with his son. Yet I treat God with contempt. After all he's done for me.

How have you treated God after all he's done for you?

It's so easy to forget how far he's brought us when we are faced with a seemingly difficult situation in our season of wilderness, which is only for a short while.

Just like these Israelites, we know there's a promised land filled with abundant milk and honey. But for fear and lack of trust in God, they compared themselves to grasshoppers who could not possess the land. 

Verse 9 "...they are only helpless prey to us. They have no protection, but the lord is with us..."
Even with Joshua and Caleb's encouragement, they still complained and threatened to stone them. How silly and ungrateful they sounded right? But check the times you complained to God.  You might have sounded just the way they did.

If only they remembered how he delivered them from the Egyptians. If he could do that, surely he will bring them into Canaan. If only we can look back to the times God had our back. If only!!

The job situation, the career stall, accommodation issues, the health issues, family troubles and the rest are helpless prey to us because God is with us and he is able to bring us to our promised land. Hebrews 10:23 "...he who promised is able".

There's no mountain too high for God. There's no drowning situation he can't bring you out from. Look back and say, if he could do that for me surely he will do this.

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Featured artist is Leanna Valente who is based in NY and is an amazing self-taught artist who's contemporary mixed art and photography, evokes imagery from both "the city and high fashion" for a modern and abstract-pop feel.

Her mixed media consists of acrylic, oil, spray paint, fabric and photography. She began painting at the age of five and concentrated in art throughout high school, college and beyond with continuing course work at the Fashion Institute of Technology (NYC) and Atlanta College of Art/SCAD in Atlanta, GA. 

Since 2001, she has participated in many gallery shows and solo exhibitions throughout New York City, Brooklyn, Long Island City, NY, Atlanta, GA, Southern CA and Miami, FL.  Her work has also been prominently displayed and sold to a variety of collectors through alternative spaces such as Starbucks, Tischman Speyer, the former Swiss Hotel Group, Georgia Pacific, AT&T Corporate, Bo Concepts NYC and New York and Atlanta area galleries, restaurants and boutiques.

Visit her new and inspirational and also view her amazing collection at

Also, we are thrilled to have her as our "art and fashion" NY contributor for FV and tomorrow we are hosting a fabulous giveaway of one of Leanna's original mixed media art for one lucky reader so make sure to visit back for details! 

© 2012 by LEANNA VALENTE. All rights reserved   
No part of these images may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission. 
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Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, March 27, 2012 | 10:35 AM

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

To my dearest and loving readers, I want to say a big THANK YOU so i'm blowing thank you kisses to you.

 Lynnville is only 2months and two days but the traffic on this site has been incredible. There have been visitors from different parts of the world and I want to say thanks for stopping by, I appreciate the fact that you chose to open the link despite your busy schedule. Thank you also for your comments and support, they have encouraged me to do more and I promise to make this journey worth the while. To my followers, you are the best and to my future followers...I can't wait to have you on board. I look forward to more exploits on this blog. Please feel free to ask me any question, I will be glad to respond as soon as possible.

Love you all

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I recently discovered a great new site, LOOKK. Have you heard of it? It's fast becoming a leading online destination to DISCOVER, FOLLOW and SHOP contemporary fashion worldwide. You can directly connect with the designers and by becoming a follower, you can shop their special offers, promotions and win exclusive pieces.

Also be on the lookout for future "100 Designers" competition where you can upload your look book and grow your fanbase to make it into THE LIST OF 100 DESIGNERS. Go here to learn more.

You'll also enjoy LOOKK's informative online magazine for great editorials, trends and visuals.

  Lookk x Edited - S/S 12 Trend Report   by Jennifer Hore go  here to view the rest  .

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Penulis : Unknown on Monday, March 26, 2012 | 5:28 AM

Monday, March 26, 2012

APLF's Materials Trends Space (MTS), is an exhibit scheduled this week, March 28-30 in Wanchai, Hong Kong.  MTS exhibits leather, synthetics, textiles and other materials that illustrates the colour and texture trends for the upcoming fashion seasons.

Here is APLF's Trend forecast for Spring/Summer 2013 colours and materials.  To learn more about the fair, go here.

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Penulis : Unknown on Sunday, March 25, 2012 | 1:46 PM

Sunday, March 25, 2012

HAPPY SUNDAY peeps, how was service? Mine was awesome, as in…twas something else. I’ll call it a romance of righteousness, a rendezvous with The Father, The Son and The Holy-ghost. Explaining it in details will mean typing non-stop on my laptop for a whole week, it was a glorious experience. Pls forsake not the assembly of the brethren and don’t get too busy for God. We spend 168 hours in a week and it would not be too much to spend 2-3 hours with God and experience getting high with the most high. I know I’ve spoken too much but pls pardon me, I get carried away when it comes to my relationship with God, our love and romance is beyond human comprehension. So this is what I wore to church today, sorry it came a bit later than I had promised…hope you like it.


Chiffon shirt: NewLook
Pants: NewLook
Turban scarf: Zara
Sandals: Fusion
Neck piece: Dorothy Perkins
Ear-ring: Dorothy Perkins
Bangle: NewLook
Ring: NewLook

So what do you think? Have a beautiful week ahead.

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Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, March 24, 2012 | 8:30 AM

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hi peeps, how's the weekend going? Lynnville has not been happy with Lynda for a while now; this blog is supposed to cover aspects of inspiration, love, fashion, and style but it seems the fashion part of it has been dysfunctional and i wanna make up for that. I will be making some fashion posts at least once or twice every week comprising of my day to day activities and what i wore to go out. So today will be the first day. London is very warm and the sun is out on the upper east side so i decided to go to the mall to check out some things and enjoy the warm weather, at least feel a lil bit of what i've missed in Naija. So these are the pix, thanks to ma friend Oma who i made to leave her beloved Kosovo coursework to take these pix (she loves International Relations more than she loves herself).  Lemme know what you think.

Aha Moments...

I love a lil touch of colour, hence the blue ring

Trying to jump the fence?

Just about to leave the house (iPhone addiction, tho i miss my BB)

I love this girl

Pants: H&M
Belt: H&M
Top: Topshop
Sandals: Dorothy Perkins
Accessories: NewLook

So what do you think??? I'll be posting another one tomorrow and i guess you wanna know how I look on Sundays

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