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Penulis : Unknown on Monday, March 19, 2012 | 9:39 AM

Hi peeps, what’s going on? The week has kicked off again…running slowly right? I really dunno why Mondays are always very slow. I’m just going to rant a lil and then head to the major post. So last weekend I was to attend a function organised yearly in church (very interesting and full of fun) and in my usual Lynda-like manner, I decided to prepare on time so I can be all prim and proper for the day. Part of the preps included hair re-do, manicure and pedicure (mostly cleaning & polishing of nails) etc. I started pretty well and one by one everything was falling into place, then it got to the manicure part and I got stuck. Where in the world was my cuticle remover??? Everything was in the manicure set - nail file, buffer, polish remover (to take off the old polish), nail hardener and, aarrgghhh…I hate looking for something where it was supposed to be and don’t find it. I remember placing every item back into the set and also very sure nothing fell off while I was placing it back into the wardrobe. Now I got pissed and finally decided to get started without removing the cuticle…who would even notice? Who cares whether I remove them or not? I was about to start removing the old polish and that “no quitting” attitude in me gave me a little push for one more search for my cuticle remover and then I decided to look thoroughly inside the wardrobe incase it somehow fell inside without me noticing it. Guess what??? As I sat up from the bed to walk to the wardrobe, right beside me was my lil cuticle remover. Apparently, it had fallen off while I was opening the set and I mistakenly sat on it without even noticing. Hhmmm…makes me remember the popular Nigerian quote that says: What you are looking for in Sokoto (state) is in your sokoto (sho-ko-to, yoruba word for pants/trousers).

So basically I’m trying to draw your attention on something important but I needed to give an introductory explanation that will enable you understand what I’m about to say.  In life, we constantly seek for different things – hope, love, friendship, attention, faith, promotion etc. I asked a friend today how he was doing and he replied….”still in pursuit of happiness; and I was like what kind of happiness and he goes, “God, money, wifey”. 
As different as our faces and thumb prints are, so is our different goals and quest. Sometimes we travel round the world, across oceans, climb the highest mountains, hills and valleys; we search in the uttermost part of the earth and do everything in our power just to get this one thing but in the end we get disappointed when our search yields no profit. This is because all along, what you have been searching for was just right there beside you. It’s easier sometimes to think that we need to struggle so much to get some things, but it doesn’t always have to be so. We never expect that we could get such things so easily and with that mentality we run round in circles for a very long time and still come back to the starting point to find that thing still there waiting for us to discover it. It reminds me of when I wrote my dissertation, I was looking for how to use SPSS software to analyse the data I got from my questionnaire result. I searched on google, youtube videos, bing, ask, etc and I still couldn’t find anything tangible. I was getting pissed and decided to take a break before continuing my search, then beside me was the SPSS CD pack and I took a second look at it, flipped it over and found guidelines on how to use it. I felt stupid for getting myself pissed at nothing. 

So my dearest, before you embark on that long journey in pursuit of love, happiness, hope, success, growth, use your binoculars, both physical & spiritual (God) and take a good view of what you have around you cos you never know….it may just be right beside you.

PS: I ended up not even going for the function after all my preps, anyway...that will be gist for another day.

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