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Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, March 6, 2012 | 2:30 AM

As difficult as this may sound in the ears of many ladies…it is TRUE that men also cry. It is very, very rare but also very true. While listening to the song “Man Enough To Cry by Eric Bennet”, I couldn’t help but acknowledge the words expressed in the song; these lines in particular got me thinking.

…there was a part of me that wasn’t always there
…but then you loved me enough to stay
…and so I found the self I lost along the way.

Many times, we meet guys who think they are not good enough or that they do not amount to anything. Sometimes they may have been tagged as useless, alcoholic, chimney, night-crawler, wicked, insane, stupid, foolish, poor, and all sorts of names. But something remarkable happens when they meet that girl that can make them find their tracks in life again, that part of them that made others go away was suddenly overlooked by this one person. I don’t know how it happens but somehow a change occurs, his life takes a different turn in a positive direction.

Ladies are probably saying...ehen, so??? Loll (take it easy, cool temper)

It is very easy and common for ladies to cry, but tears mean a different thing to guys; what will make a lady cry will probably not make a guy cry. Shedding tears sometimes could show a sign of weakness and is not natural for guys to cry; even when they do, they try as much as possible to hide it from you. They also say “it’s OK” even when it is not OK just to appear strong and manly for their ladies. But when a man lets you see his tears, know that he trusts his life completely in your hands, so much that he can act like a child around you. At these, moments there’s no holding back and they are so open to you. Beneath that thick skin is a tender-hearted baby who only cries because he feels secure with you. It will really require the greatest emotion (as in very great, some guys are too tough sha) to make a man shed tears but when he does….ladies, pls always be there for him. Cos only when he truly commits himself to you will he be man enough to cry.

DISCLAIMER: Please, there’s a difference between crocodile tears (loll) and tears that flow from deep within. Be able to discern the difference!!!

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