
News Update :


Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 | 5:10 AM

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Layout by Fashion Vignette and photos via Vogue.
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Penulis : Unknown on Monday, January 30, 2012 | 4:56 AM

Monday, January 30, 2012

PREMIEREVISION, the world's premier fabric show will be held on Feb 14-16, 2012 in Parc d'Expositions Paris Nord Villepinte. To register online, go to PV's - Registration.  Here are a few still shots from their digital online color trends.  To view the slide show,  go to  Spring/Summer 2013 Colours.

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You Haven't Seen Anything Yet...Expect more surprises from God.

Hi LVB readers, here's the word for today, Mon, Jan 30, 2012

You Haven't Seen Anything Yet!

" Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him" (1 Corinthians 2:9, NKJV).

Today’s verse is really an encouragement for all of us to raise our expectations! God is saying to us, “You think you’re blessed? You haven’t seen anything yet!” And I’m sure God's been good to you, but He also has things for ur future that, if He told you right now, would boggle ur mind. You wouldn’t even believe it.

A preacher once said, "If you would have told me twelve years ago while I was working behind d scenes at my parent’s church that one day I'ld be a minister in front of many people and have our services in the former Compaq Center where I used to watch the Rockets play basketball, I would've said, “You’ve totally lost your mind!” At the time, I couldn't even fathom that! "Friend, that is how God wants to bless you in your future. He wants to overwhelm you with His goodness , with things so wonderful you can’t even fathom it!

Today, get ready for increase. Get prepared for promotion. This year is the year to step into blessings you can’t even imagine. Keep believing, keep obeying His Word and keep your heart and mind open to what He has for you because you haven’t seen anything yet!

Prayer for Today:
Father God, today I raise my level of expectations. I choose to take the limits off of my thinking. I know that You're able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all I could ever ask, think or imagine. Thank You for the blessing You've in store for me in 2012! In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Wow!!! This is awesome, are U̶̲̥̅̊ ready? Are U̶̲̥̅̊ expectant? Dunno about U̶̲̥̅̊ but i can feel it. Tell yourself "i'm destined for greatness, this is my year". It doesn't matter wat U̶̲̥̅̊ see now, just BELIEVE it & watch His surprises as they gradually unfold in your life. Have a blessed week, and remember there's no limit to what U̶̲̥̅̊ can achieve.
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EXCUSES...Life's Predator

Penulis : Unknown on Sunday, January 29, 2012 | 8:57 AM

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ever been in a situation where you made a mistake or did something wrong but couldn’t explain just how it happened? YES…I’ve been there too.

Then did you try to make excuses for your actions or try to blame someone else for what happened? Probably you had to make excuses to abate the effects of the consequences, e.g using traffic as excuse for coming late to work…yeah I’m guilty of that too. But the worst mistake one can ever make in life is to blame the world, society, background, environment etc . for not achieving your dreams. Your life goes in the path that you decide not what it throws at you. What have you desired to accomplish that you’ve been making excuses for?

Excuses are life’s predators seeking to prey on those who are willing to succumb to its deceitful acts. It tends to feed on the part of a human that makes him/her take responsibility for their life, actions and decisions. Excuses take away the zeal to fight, the courage to push forward and the maturity to take responsibility for your actions. Sometimes, it can slow down a person’s growth in life…keeping him/her stagnant and ignorant. This is because when people know that there’s always a means of escape they restrain from pushing themselves out of their comfort-zone; choosing instead to wallow in quagmire. Till you leave your comfort zone, you never know how far you can go in life.

 When you make a mistake, admit that you have; by so doing you stand a chance of learning something new by taking corrections. Taking full responsibility of your actions, makes you accountable for what happens in your life – this will motivate you to keep yourself in check, be diligent in all things and strive for excellence. The key factors you will need are Determination and Focus. Someone who is determined has no limitations, there’s absolutely nothing he/she cannot achieve. When you’re determined, you will be willing to succeed against all odds and will want to learn from mistakes. You can literally spread your wings and fly as high as you can. Finally, NEVER lose your focus; keep your gaze on those things you need to achieve that dream, keep at it and never give up.
No more excuses…it’s time to take responsibility and do something.

There’s a lesson to learn in every mistake,
An opportunity to excel in every challenge,
It all depends on how you look at it...Lynn

I stumbled into some really flimsy and funny excuses and i'll just share a few with you...

I hope you had a good laugh...don't use any of these excuses o.  It's time to say no to them, the next image should encourage you. Push excuses away.

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Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, January 28, 2012 | 10:59 AM

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fashion is said to revolve/recycle and we can clearly identify most of the styles and designs our mums and grannies wore back in the days which are now fully in vogue.  The high waist skirts, belly belts, afro hair, wedges, pencil jeans, etc.  What fascinates me about all of this is that no matter which angle fashion chooses to go, the traditional fashion (Ankara) never looses its value. It is a traditional/African material with a combination of art, colour, design and history. The graphic designs on these fabrics mingle with colors and creates a blend of style and splendour. These days ankara is no longer seen as the two-piece wrapper back in the days, it has been refined to a more classy state.

With the colour-blocking trend, ankara is not left out and has succeeded in bringing out the glamour in African fabrics. See the pictures below for different ways to enjoy your ankara fabrics. I call it Ankara RE-DEFINED.

Eku Edewor rocking this lovely blue patterned fabric with a lovely yellow top

I love this fashion diva...rocking ankara as a lovely designed dress for outings.

I hope you liked it, its time to go to mama's tinker box(lolll, my granny had one), dig out those materials and turn on your glamour on.


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Penulis : Unknown on Friday, January 27, 2012 | 5:18 AM

Friday, January 27, 2012

The MunichFabricStart is an international fabric trade fair that holds two fair trades a year.  A wide range of textiles, accessories and trims will be at this exhibition. The fair is scheduled to be held for 3 days from Jan 31st - Feb 2nd and to order your admission online, go here.... ticket.

Here is MunichFabricStart's Spring/Summer 2013 trends for the season:

FLIRT - THE UNEXPECTED MIX... below are just a few samples of some of their trends and to view more, go here.  You can also order their very reasonable trend catalog and color card online, go here.

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Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, January 26, 2012 | 12:49 PM

Thursday, January 26, 2012

1. Dream BIG.

2. Think success and think positively

3.Look out for a need and meet it

4. Set targets and goals for yourself

5. Accept discipline; it helps to mould a good character

6. Programme your spirit to meditate on God's word

7. Decide to always be ahead of time

8. In any given task/assignment; seek to achieve the best (go the extra mile)

9. Be determined and focused

10. Learn to value life and improve it

11.Recognise life's challenges; they are opportunities to step up to a higher level

12. Run with the right crowd (friends)

13. Never leave people the same way you met them; seek to add value to people's life.

PS: Pls add yours too so we can learn.
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Tiffany Evans -I'll be There

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Him: Hey babe, how are you doing?
Her: I’m fye and you?
Him: I’m not so good; please can you come around
Her: I’m sorry, kinda busy. Will see you over the weekend.
Him: Pls dear, it is very important.
Her: I know it is but I really can’t, will make it up to you this weekend
Him: Ok, see you then. Bye
Her: Bye

…..and those were his last words to her. Little did she know that the weekend wasn’t going to be as she planned.  He died before she could make it up to him and all she could say was “how I wish I showed up when he needed me”. This happened to a friend’s friend. When I heard the story I asked myself if I have always been there for a friend when they needed me, have I given someone a shoulder to cry on when they needed one? Have I been able to give hope to someone when all was lost? You never know how much impact you can make by one kind gesture you decide to show someone.

Life is like a vapour that appears for a while and disappears within a twinkling of an eye, usually unpredictable. But what do we do with while we are here? What keeps us going? From my perspective, I have come to realize that there are three things that keep us moving forward each day of our lives; these are the yearnings of the human spirit and we all need these three in our daily living. They are: HOPE, FAITH and LOVE.

HOPE: This is the expectation of a desired end; a better and brighter future. Hope keeps us alive, knowing that there’s always a reason to smile, that you’ve something to hold on to; someone to talk to- a brother, sister, friend to share moments and memories with. Without hope, one could easily give up on life.

FAITH: This is the assurance that things will work out for the best; that your life will follow the path God has purposed for you. Without faith, we will only be living a life of fear and uncertainty…being tossed about without direction

LOVE: The greatest of all….love is life. Love is that enduring value of a person that gives you a sense of his/her importance to you. It determines the essence of value you place on someone; it involves an action not just a desire.

Hope is for tomorrow, faith is for now and love is forever. The human spirit constantly yearns for these three things. In essence, we all want to be happy and successful in life; but true success comes when you have impacted a life positively. It is when you are able to put a smile on someone’s face irrespective of who they are. Someone, somewhere needs your listening ears, someone needs to know you care, someone needs to look into your eyes and feel loved, and someone needs to hear the voice of hope when you speak. Be there for a friend when they need you and most importantly be there for those who love you. It may not always be easy to give of yourself, but let the thought of making an impact be your motivation. Whenever, however and whenever they call, just say…I’LL BE THERE!

Show LOVE even when it hurts
Give HOPE even in hopeless situations
Stir up FAITH in someone when they feel all is lost

I love this song and it explains this post perfectly well....I'LL BE THERE by Tiffany Evans.

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Here is FASHION SNOOPS', Spring 2013 color trends. This season calls out for saturated colors, pastels and neutral nudes.  Fashion Snoop, is an online forecasting trend service that reports on color, design themes, key items, details, etc for womens, mens, kids and accessories. To learn more and subscribe to their services, go here to view their amazing site and check out their inspiring blog.

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Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 | 5:29 AM

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mudpie is the world's largest and fastest growing online fashion trend forecasting service and is an invaluable tool for industry leaders and professionals. Here is their Spring/Summer 2013 trend information, full of inspirational images and artwork from Mudpie's trendbooks. To view their services and the report, go here.  For a free trial to their service, you can contact them at

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Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 | 4:19 AM

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Meet talented Christi Jay who is based in the hills of Echo Park, California. She grew up surrounded by arts and crafts which is so obvious in her work. She also spends much of her free time creating and designing many lovely things..... I love her passion to create whatever her heart desires.  You'll have to check her inspirational sites,  Christi JayThe Aquarians and her Etsy shop where her collection of hand crafted accessories and clothing that she repurposes/refabricates, and made entirely by her.

© 2012 by Christi Jay. All rights reserved   
No part of these images may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission. 

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