
News Update :

VOLUNTEER NIGERIA INITIATIVE - Debbie Bolanle Motilewa inspires Nigerian youths to make an impact

Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, August 31, 2013 | 3:25 AM

Saturday, August 31, 2013

I met Debbie for the first time in February 2012, in Aberdeen, Scotland when I went for a friend's brithday.  A vibrant and pretty young lady with many talents. Beneath the pretty face and gorgeous looks is a strong woman with a passion to make a positive impact in her environment and country at large. Debbie recently started an initiative called VOLUNTEER NIGERIA to inspire youths to come together to help charity organisations. Debbie contacted LynnVille about this initiative and being so inspired by her works, it was a pleasure to have an in-depth discussion with Debbie about this and her passion to embark on this mission.

Hi Debbie, can you give us a brief info about yourself?
My name is Deborah Bolanle Motilewa, I turned 21 on the 19th of June 2013. My dad is from Kogi State, my mum is from Anambra state. I was born in Jos, Plateau state, later moved to Lagos with my parents. I attended Chrisland Primary School Ikeja, and Chrisland College Idimu. I have a BA(hons) in Accounting and Finance from Dublin Business School, Ireland (2011) and an MSC(Econs) International Business, Energy and Petroleum from the University of Aberdeen, UK (2012). I am currently doing my NYSC in Abuja in an Electrical Engineering and Supply firm (Trust NYSC to post a Petroleum Economist to an Electrical Engineering Firm).

Thanks for that brief info. So, what is Volunteer Nigeria?
Volunteer Nigeria is created to be a support to other existing charity organizations. It is aimed at bringing youths together once every three months to assist in a charity of our choice. Volunteer Nigeria creates public awareness to the spirit of volunteering. After talking to a few friends about the initiative, I realized most Nigerians do not have the spirit of volunteering. We were not brought up that way; I entered an orphanage for the first time the day I went to seek permission for Volunteer Nigeria. We have not been taught the need to give back, the need to volunteer. You know how a child lights up a place? How regardless of a child’s surrounding, he/she is ready to play once they find a playmate or play toy? I love kids; they are so innocent and mostly cute. I believe if most adults have the playfulness, joy and inner happiness of children, the world will definitely be a better place. It is my love for children that led me to dedicate a huge part of Volunteer Nigeria to orphanages.

What inspired you to start the initiative?
A week after moving back to Nigeria in January, I was having fun (the usual seeing friends you haven’t seen in years, long lost family members, trying out all the
Shawarma and Suya joints in Abuja). In February, I took a mini tour round Nigeria, I went to see friends in Lagos, my sister in Ile-Ife, extended family in Kogi State. I went to NYSC camp in March; made friends, participated in as many activities as I could. I was the secretary of my platoon. I started working in April, started having a routine (I don’t do so well with routines). And then I started feeling empty. I felt like I had done it all, like I was just living the normal “youth life” I wasn’t doing anything different. Deep down I knew I was better than that. I have always thrived to be different since as far back as I can remember. I always did that “little” extra thing. During my undergraduate studies in Dublin, I was a member of various charity organisations; I formed the dance society in my college (not like I can dance oo). My school was just lacking a dance society, and I took the task upon myself. When I went for my masters program, I taught myself to sew: watched numerous YouTube videos. Shout out to Tglashen, her YouTube videos ROCK. I participated in fashion shows. My clothing line “Debbie’s” was on three runway shows in Aberdeen. (Read about it on her blog HERE). I wrote short plays for magazines, blogs e.t.c. 

Lets just say I have always done something extra. I don’t feel comfortable doing the minimum. I can’t count how many businesses I started; I made homemade toothpaste and glitter lip-glosses in primary four and was selling it in my neighborhood. The moment I feel I am doing nothing, that empty feeling comes in. This time, I wasn't pushed to start a bus. iness; I was moved to be a better person, to develop something to help my immediate community. As they say, charity begins at home. I began having numerous discussions with like-minded friends, after most conversations I had with these friends, I always ended with “I don’t want to be stuck doing the minimum. I want to be someone’s mentor.” Three months into this thought process, Volunteer Nigeria came into being.

 You studied in UK for a while before returning to Nigeria for NYSC, what were your views about Nigeria before you left and now that you’re back?
Thank you. I had been out of Nigeria for about five years gaining two degrees, , I felt I had seen what “the white man had to offer me”. Coming back to Nigeria was to see the Nigerian economy from the eyes of a mature Debbie, I came back to test the waters, to compare countries. When I left Nigeria I was 16, I was under mummy and Daddy’s roof, I was in boarding school for most of my teenage years, and just like most Nigerian parents, I was hardly allowed to leave the house on school breaks. On returning back to Nigeria, it was a totally different scenario. Yes, I was still under mummy and daddy's roof but I was more sensitive to my surroundings, I had a salary and was expected to some extent be responsible for myself. At this point my eyes were open to the unruly behaviour of some of us Nigerians - the bad customer service, the uneducated professionals. I think nothing annoys me more than calling my phone data service provider (airtel) when my data is having issues, and hearing the girl/guy on the other end tell me stories over and over again, then finally saying “I’ll direct your issue to the technicians”.  Lo and behold my data is not fixed and I never hear back from the so-called technicians. I have come to understand that the issues with Nigeria do not lie with just the government or the people. It lies with the lawmakers. There is almost no incentive in abiding by the law, the only benefit is a clear conscience. People do what they want, how they want to and when they want to because there is no emphasis on right or wrong.

You’ve made quite a few observations about Nigeria. At your age you’re making a difference in your own little way, what advise will you give to other Nigerian youths/youths in diaspora?
 I haven’t made a difference YET. This to me is just the beginning. I am really just starting. In fact this is what you’ll call a prototype. My advice not just to Nigerians, not just to Nigerians in Diaspora, but to everyone is; don’t wait till you feel empty. Don’t wait till you feel the need to do more. Start doing more now. Don’t just live a basic life, volunteer in one way or the other; no volunteering is too small or too big. Look for a way of touching someone’s life. Aim to be a mentor. The question is when you depart, what shall you be remembered for?

Finally what should we be expecting from Volunteer Nigeria?
Volunteer Nigeria by God’s grace will cover all areas of charity. The first edition was aimed at kids in orphanages (Mother Theresa Orphanage in Abuja), the second edition although not concretely concluded will be aimed at kids in orphanages again. We hope to go into Woman empowerment next; we are looking at shelter homes for battered women, the woman empowerment program will cut across young girls in secondary schools. We are hoping to have a summer camp in Summer 2014 for teenage girls in secondary schools. It’ll be a fun filled summer for learning and creating the need to stand firm regardless of your sex. The summer camp program is going to be huge. I can feel it in my spirit. I am still working on the background, when I have everything well planned, you’ll be the first to know Lynda.

Great plans you've got, I will be most glad to know and be part of it. Thank you for sharing your passion and goals with LynnVille.
Thank you Lynda, the pleasure is mine and you’ll definitely hear more news. 

Below is a recap of the Volunteer Nigeria visit to Mother Theresa Orphanage, Gwarimpa, Abuja. They did not just visit, they held a party for the kids.

It was a great experience, the first I had engineered, I basically learnt a lot from the experience, the kids had so much fun, we started the day with face painting

Then moved to dance, dance, dance

then games, we had different games in line for the kids; Simon says, musical chairs amongst others.

After that the kids had to have their lunch, so the adults took over the game floor; a short game of musical chairs brought out the children in us. It felt so good to play musical chairs after about ten years of not playing it.

We later moved on to drawing; cardboards, pencils and crayons were provided to see the artistic side of the kids. They were asked to draw Barney, well I must say I saw different representations of Barney.

There was a "mummy/daddy dance for me" competition, were the kids picked adults to dance for them in a bid to win one of our many prizes.

The afternoon ended with a raffle draw for a chance to win two golf sets, which were to be donated to the orphanage. The turnout was quite satisfying. There was a total of 32 guests, which I think is a great number, considering it was the first edition. 
Debbie with the kids
There were loads of donations, and everyone definitely looked happy; both the kids and adults. The best part of the day was knowing that the visit to the orphanage that day was the first visit to any orphanage by about 10 of the invited guests. Which is one of the aims of the program: creating the spirit of volunteering in the hearts of youths.

From the pictures, it is obvious that both kids and adults had fun. Giving back to our community is very imperative but rare especially in this age and time where most people stretch out their hands to “oga, anything for the boys”. We should have the attitude of doing something without expecting money in return; something that will make a positive impact in someone’s life. This time it will be “oga, something from the boys”. 

Anyone can be a part of the November edition of Volunteer Nigeria by:     
  • Creating Awareness: tell people you know to tell people they know to tell people the people they know, know about the initiative; newspapers, blogs, magazines, radio, tv, etc.
  • Be present in Abuja for the November edition
For more pictures of the event, visit the Voluteer Nigeria Initiative Facebook page

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Penulis : Unknown on Friday, August 30, 2013 | 5:57 AM

Friday, August 30, 2013

The MunichFabricStart is an international fabric trade fair that holds two fair trades a year features a wide range of textiles, accessories and trims at this exhibition. Their next show for A/W 14-15 is September 2013, go here to register.  Go here to view and read up on their latest A/W 14-15 trend call outs.

You can also order their very reasonable Fall/Winter 2014-15 trend catalog and color card online, go here and to view their  six themes that map the trend scenario with editorial for each theme “AWESEMBLAGE” – four for women’s and men’s wear and one for kids and jeanswear, respectively. Detailed information including visuals and trend colours plus relevant Pantone number can be found on the colour card as usual.

Below is a preview of their fabric trends for the season which you can also view here.

Through the perfection of conversion, even uncurated, naive inspirational mixes become to be self-understood as wearable craft art. It leads to a montage of various materials, cuts, technologies, themes, layers, eras, moods and emotions. High-end-finishings and embellishments create their own very awestruck beauty.

The INNER LANDSCAPE spreads out poetically, romantically, and reduced in us. The High-Tech and the Natural alternate in a play of tension and release. Scandinavian interior design forms the basis of this stylistic language, with clear lines and a touch of retro, realised with ultramodern techniques. Enveloping, oversize jackets and coats reflect generosity and modernity.

A Marlene Dietrich chic resonates through all creative interpretations. A classic feel – musical, material, and stylistic – is the foundation as different eras mix together. Aristocratic looks from the 19th century are broken up and loose their stiff correctness through their mix with technical materials. “Old Couture” and Haute Casual together creating something new.

Parallax results from a perspectival displacement, making phenomena and objects appear different than they actually are. Unfamiliar and altered points of view inspire new proportions, designs, and thoughts to form. Optical illusions, hybrid forms, and deformations are important elements for a futuristic design of the future. The space shuttle looks of Mister Spock or Superwoman serve as body-hugging basic silhouette.


The extroverted rock star David Bowie is the inspiration for the POP’N PALAIS theme. Relishing in a boundless, luxurious life: a hint of 70’s-era Rive Gauche with some elegant experimentation, a pinch of the rich, architectonic Baroque, a dash of kitsch and Pop from the 80’s and 90’s, and a shot of Russia with an excess of pomp – this is the recipe for a colourful joie de vivre. Narcissism makes a dramatic entrance and becomes a trend.

Although the pure, unaltered joy of childhood is often lost during the trip through adulthood, with a lot of humour we get back to those easy-going days. We make an effort and let ourselves be carried away by those beautiful and funny things in life to which we are literally drawn. Something like a Dickensian “Spirit of Christmas” brings along laughter, love, and joy, and away we go. Curiosity, fun, and lots of humour inspire our imagination.
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Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, August 29, 2013 | 5:26 AM

Thursday, August 29, 2013

To participate in the International Arts of Fashion Competition, applicant should register online. After confirmation of registration, applicant would have to submit drawings of a mini collection of three outfits in menswearwomenswear, or amixed collection of both men's and women's wear.

Promote and reward creativity and inventiveness; discover emerging talent and facilitate careers; establish enriching contacts and exchanges between different countries, schools and universities; and to foster new relationships between those from different industries and fields.
The laureates received Awards and a Certification for their creative and original work based on theme. (Judging based on coherence with the theme, skill level, creativity and artful expressiveness).

Anne Valerie Hash Award
3-month internship at Anne Valerie Hash - Paris, FRANCE
Manish Arora Award
3-month internship at Manish Arora - New Delhi, INDIA

Maison Lesage - Paris Award
4-week internship at the studio of Maison Lesage - Paris, FRANCE

Nice Collective Award
3-month internship at Nice Collective - San Francisco, USA

The Paris Arts of Fashion Awards
4-week scholarship at the Arts of Fashion MasterClass program at Les Arts Decoratifs - Paris, FRANCE

3. CALENDAR 2014:
- August 15, 2013: Online registration begins.
April 1, 2014: Submission deadline for all application materials mailed to the Arts of Fashion Foundation
April 20, 2014: Jury session meeting.
May 1, 2014: Candidates selected for the International Final will be listed on the Arts of Fashion website.
October 1, 2014: Submission deadline for all selected projects to be received

Last weekend of October 2014: Arts of Fashion Symposium and Competition 2014

Go here to learn more and to register.

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Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 | 4:14 AM

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Trend Council is a fashion trend forecasting company who delivers expert analysis and design inspirations. Their team provides a great wealth of consulting services for all your company's design needs.  Trend Council focuses on the Ladies, Juniors, Mens, Young Mens and Active markets. To learn more about their services, go here.

Here are their key print and pattern trends for A/W 2014-15,  Engineered, Digital, 70's Geos and Houndstooth.

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Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 | 5:13 AM

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

FV contributor Laura Luchtman from Kukka  [INSPIRATIONS + PRINT ] series. Laura's background is in the field of Surface/Textile Design and Fashion Illustration and specializes in Bodyfashion.  Visit her site

*Layout image is exclusive to FV and may not be copied without proper permission.
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Penulis : Unknown on Monday, August 26, 2013 | 12:41 PM

Monday, August 26, 2013

OOPS!!! That moment when your thumb hits the "SEND" button and you realize you mistakenly sent a text message meant for your boyfriend to your father OR just sent an email meant for your colleague to your manager. #oh!No!!!

Yeah, I got trapped in that today. I was to send out a text message for a surprise party to someone and mistakenly sent it to a group that had the celebrant. The funny thing is I initially wanted to create a new group excluding the celebrant but thought to myself, "I won't make that mistake" and yeah right...I didn't *covers face* When I realized what had happened, you needed to see how I almost ripped off the button that should cancel the sending but it was too late. Once that "SEND" button was pressed, there was no going back, no matter what I did. Few seconds later, I felt really funny cos the party is supposed to be a surprise and now I've ruined it. It took a while before I let it go but I just had to cos the damage had already been done; I just prayed the message never delivers to him or his eyes just won't see it, loll. After beating up myself for screwing up, I sat back to reflect on how it happened. The truth is, I was a bit pissed at something before sending the message and if I was more cautious I would have noticed the message recipient had more than one contacts in it. I should have also made sure that I was sending to the right person but I didn't check. But as soon as the damage was done, my eyes opened. 

Many times we find ourselves in this position in life usually in our words or actions towards others. We say or do things that we did not mean to do which indirectly hurts others; once a word proceeds from your lips, you can't take it back. These may be in response to what someone told you (which may not even be true), what you saw or read or maybe your imaginations. In that moment of anger, we fall into the "OOPS!" moment and never realize what damage has been done until it actually happens. This has cost us friendship, relationships, marriages, promotion at work, etc. There will always be that soft voice nudging you to calm down/take a second look before you do what's in your mind. Let's say you apologize like I tried to cancel the message from sending... but something has happened and inside you, you'll feel really bad cos if you thought about the words you said before it left your mouth-maybe you wouldn't have said it. You've left a crack somewhere on the wall without knowing. 

But thank God, unlike my cancel button, relationships and all the "...ships" can be mended but we should pay more attention to details. Be more careful; before you unleash/react, ask yourself what will be the effect of my action/word. If you make that mistake, what will be the result? Instead of beating yourself up later, think first before acting cos it will minimize the "had I known(s)" and "if only(s)". 

So what OOPS moment have you experienced lately? Pls share in the comment box below

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Textile Report's Womenswear A/W 2014-15 Trends is a comprehensive publication featuring detailed pages of textile and fashion trend information.  Featured in this publication are extensive trend information for the whole textile and fashion market, published in the run-up to the fabric and yarn fairs, with special focus on young women's wearstreet fashiondesigner collections, trade fair reportscolour and styling trends including fabrics and print designs

Go here to order your copy, this publication is very reasonable for all the trend information that you need at a glance. 

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Penulis : Unknown on Friday, August 23, 2013 | 6:07 AM

Friday, August 23, 2013

Editorial via Front Row Society


Submission Deadline: 31 August, 2013, 6pm CET
Voting Starts: 01 September, 2013, 6pm CET

Front Row Society has always been committed to putting talented designers on the map, and for this competition we're taking that commitment a big step further! Now it's time to take a step off the familiar path that is reality to enter the Enchanted Forest! Earthy, natural tones and alluring back-lit wooded landscapes are a given for this challenge, and your ability to paint the most unique tapestry of fantasy-like forest flora and fauna will set your entry apart from the pack. In order to add mystery and whimsy, we want you to tone down the saturation a bit in order to aim for a somewhat vintage look – something reminiscent of a foggy forest scene from your favorite classic fairy tale.

This competition is for scarves. As always, don't forget that your print might need to be adjusted to fit the appropriate template! All templates are marked with specific design specifications to help you get your design just right. Please note that all FRS templates may differ slightly from final manufacturing specifications, so make sure your print is versatile and flexible enough for production. 

What can you win?

Each winner receives a one-off immediate prize of 200€. plus one of their products when it arrives in stock. But that is not all - each & every time we sell 500 pieces of your design, you will receive an additional €200. This means that FRS can continue to embody the spirit of fashion democracy, rewarding our top designs again...and again...and again! We will also conduct an interview with the winner, publicizing their design across the fashion community in Berlin and worldwide.

Go here to learn more and to submit your designs.
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Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, August 22, 2013 | 6:31 AM

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Below are images of  Fashionising's Winter Garden mood boards of floral print trends.  I simply couldn't resist on reposting them and hope you find them as inspirational as I do.
Editorial via Fashionising. Go here to view designer credit and to take a look at their other inspirational contents.
The association of florals to spring is a strong and a natural one. As it is in nature, so it is in style. But that’s also what makes flowers in winter so spectacular: blossoming against all odds, colour shining through the cold and gloom, a reminder of what was and a promise of what’s to come.
Transitioning from summer into the fashion trends of fall 2013 is a little easier if you have a garden of wintery florals to work with. As for which florals to choose this year, and how to wear them, you might be after some inspiration. For that, click through to the mood boards:
1. Go for maximum contrast and a wintery mood with vibrant floral prints on a base of pitch black.
2. Clash bright colours and graphic lines for optimistic fall floral prints.
3. Channel fall’s regal medieval trend with tapestry florals and embroidery.
4. Revisit earthy tones and brown hues for a very vintage twist.




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Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 | 6:22 AM

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

You can also check out her website, to view more of her work and to contact her if you need an illustrator for any projects.  To also view her past illustration posts on FV, go here.

©MELANIE BOYCHUK illustration and Fashion Vignette layout. All rights reserved. No part of these images may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission.
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Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, August 20, 2013 | 12:54 PM

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Rejuvenated, Revamped, Refurbished, Restyled...I just couldn't find the perfect word to define the beauty that has been recreated using African prints. It could be a simple skirt but there's just something unique about these prints that adds a spark to your total outlook. Back in the 1990s, my mum usually kept her "hollandis" and "adire" materials for tying on the waist with the traditional scarf but today, even mumsy has rejuvenated her wardrobe with the new trends. I just ca't over-emphasize my love for African designs; I stumbled upon these lovely paired combos of African prints made by and immediately fell in love with them. I can't wait to get my materials ad send them to the tailor cos they're just so on-point.  Hope you all had a great day...and hope you love the combos I have selected to share with you. I'm proud to be African, omo naija. 

I fell in love with this purple one shoulder dress...

 This is a perfect combo for work.. (pls button up oh before...*coughs*)

Guys, would you be brave to pull off these African print trousers? I think I love it with the shoes (on-point)

Yours Truly.. (covers face) I have to show my African print combo na. So this is how I went to work 
So tired after work plus hunger but....we  must-to-snap pishure

Hope you guys loved it..XOXO

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