
News Update :


Penulis : Unknown on Friday, November 30, 2012 | 6:42 AM

Friday, November 30, 2012

Next Look is a trade and styling trend publication. This publication is an analysis of all the leading womenswear designer shows from the fashion capitals in the world. It provides the key trend  and includes inspiration, colours, colour combinations, material directions, styling, accessories and details.

Recently available  is their Spring/Summer 2014 issue, go here to order your copy now.

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Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, November 29, 2012 | 4:47 AM

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Carvico is a global leader in the manufacturing of warp-knitted stretch fabrics and celebrating 50 years in business.  Here is a collaborative Spring/Summer 2014 trend/color presentation from the designer,  Rebecca Moses.  I love how she uses her illustrations to express the color trends. To learn more about Carvico, go here.

Rebecca Moses, for the second year in a row, has collaborated with Carvico S.p.A. to create our prestigious color cards. The famous American designer has decided to push her research on color even farther with the aim to create two color cards, shine and opaque, which are intended to be natural evolution of the 2013 collection.

According to Rebecca the essence of color is variable, liquid and elusive; colors evolve in relation to even the smallest change in the environment they are set against, turning into something completely new. This is their magic, this is the power that allows them to live countless lives.

In our 2014 collection, color is the absolute protagonist, bringing always new stimuli to the eye, triggering new emotions and feelings.

   3D COLORS   

Here is the magic trick: let shine marry opaque and obtain Carvico amazing matt and shiny color cards. Colors are not meant to be studied individually, we don’t want to look at them from a flat, on-its-own point of view. It is the play of shine with opaque or the match of several tonalities and textures which gives an enormous newness to even the most classical surfaces and makes color evolve towards their tridimensional state: “opaque marries shine”.


When we think of primaries we usually think of red, blue and yellow; however primaries might be redefined as well by matching them with unexpected neutral tones or other primaries; we shall play with them, bending rules, fighting stereotypes, letting our fantasy run free. These colours have to be studied starting from their roots, so that they evolve from their primal state; by playing with them we can push even the most classic icons to transform, turn into something completely new which might trigger new emotions and work as a new stimulus without giving up any of the purity which is their main feature: the clarity of primaries is their strength and their amazing beauty.


Black and white can build the co-dependency relationship par excellence: they work together in a way which makes them rely on each other. Despite this, there are other co-dependency relationships which can make Mare di Moda - Cannes - 2012 colors evolve to give origin to new “Almost” shades. For instance, we can think of a charcoal blue and put it near a pale, ivory pink or think of a pastel yellow against some shades of gray: what we create is an unexpectedly romantic atmosphere. What we have here is an exciting concept which allows us to create a whole new collection starting from two colors building a solid co-dependency relationship.


The concept of the Almost Colors is really interesting since the secret of our new Almost, so rich in charm and beauty, lies in their ability to turn into something completely new according to what they are put next to, creating new and unusual color effects.


Despite its absolute leadership in fashion, according to Carvico, black was to be studied and analyzed with the aim of revealing its 3D nature. So we wondered how we could make black look more modern and we managed to re-energize it by matching black with pale pink or light blue, generating a new sense of sweetness and sensuality… and even the most aggressive of colors becomes soft and sweet. A timeless champion both in swimwear, activewear and fashion, black will therefore take on a totally new and exciting light.


Starting from a thorough research into the underwater life of sea urchins, corals and shells, we have created an incredibly powerful color range. It is amazing to see how they can change by simply moving from inside to outside water and it is really interesting to look at this evolution together with the surprising shapes of corals and sea urchins.


Blue is now living a really interesting moment and it has got the chance of reasserting itself in a more sophisticated and refined way. Thanks to several, unusual marriages with other colors, the classic navy blue gains a new creative power: the power of working as a stimulus for the eye. The contamination between blues and greens, gives origin to new, even more interesting and sophisticated nuances, which are bound to be the next big think the swimwear, sportswear and underwear.


This mood gives us the chance to reconsider our idea of what “Pretty” means, to create a new world which doesn’t actually need to be always perfect, sweet and “sappy”. The colour range in this mood is made of soft and pale shades, with the unexpected addition of a neon touch which makes them brighter, more interesting, modern and intriguing. In the “New Pretty” universe, blue is the new “blonde” and blue jeans become pink.

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Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, November 28, 2012 | 4:22 AM

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Editorial via Arts Thread


Location: international
Age: any
Experience: must be 2012 fashion/textiles graduate
How: upload your portfolio by registering here

Already got an ARTS THREAD portfolio? Just log in, click on ‘Edit Profile’, scroll to the bottom of the page and tick the box marked Who’s Next Paris Fashion Competition.
Deadline: December 07 2012
Prize: 10 designers will be showcased at Who’s Next trade show in January 2013
ARTS THREAD has teamed up for the third season with arguably the leading fashion tradeshow worldwide WHO’S NEXT Paris to help launch the careers of 10 designers in January 2013.
See our winners from January 2012 and June 2012. See our blog posts on the competition winners.
We have contacted over 50 International colleges to invite them all to take part in the WHO’S NEXT/ARTS THREAD Fashion Graduate Competition.
10 Designers will be selected from the following categories:
These 10 winning graduates will be able to show their recent collection for one time only at Who’s Next Paris January 19-22 2013.
We will invite the fashion industry and press to judge the graduates who have uploaded their portfolios on the Arts Thread website – deadline December 07 2012. Upload your portfolio by registering here
Over the last two seasons the judging panel has included: Géraldine Florin from GALERIE LAFAYETTE, Kristina Szasz from KARL LAGERFELD,  Géraldine Dormoy from L’EXPRESS STYLE , Marck Ronzier of L’APPART PR , Craig Prest from HENRI LLOYD, Barbara Kennington from TEXPRINT,  Matthew Abbott from CALVIN KLEIN, Song Haldeman of HARVEY NICHOLS HONG KONG, Heidi Hoelzer from SCOOP NYC, & Ryan Zentner, REALLY GREAT THINGS USA.
The lucky 10 will be announced on Friday December 14 2011.
The winners will be not only the most talented graduates who have aspirations to launch their own brand/collection, in addition they need to prove and understand the importance of make, production and sales and marketing, as in Paris there will be buyers who will be interested in buying their collection.
WHO”S NEXT PARIS and the ARTS THREAD blog team will promote every designer selected to the international press and media well in advance of the show, as well as before, during and after the event.
Image Credits: WHO’S NEXT/ARTS THREAD Fashion Competition winners June 2012.
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Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 | 5:00 AM

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

You can also check out her website, to view more of her work and to contact her if you need an illustrator for any projects.  To also view her past illustration posts on FV, go here.

© 2012 by MELANIE BOYCHUK illustration and Fashion Vignette layout. All rights reserved. No part of these images may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission.

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[ TREND REPORT ] EIGHTIES by Marina Araujo Alvarez

Penulis : Unknown on Monday, November 26, 2012 | 5:45 AM

Monday, November 26, 2012

Today's post [ TREND REPORT ] EIGHTIES, is from one of our team member, fashion and trend contributor Marina Araujo Alvarez who is a Fashion Designer and Stylist located in Barcelona, Spain. 

Make sure to visit her amazing and inspirational blog, and her website

© 2012 by Marina Araujo Alvarez - all rights reserved.   
Inspirational layout may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission.
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Penulis : Unknown on Friday, November 23, 2012 | 4:33 PM

Friday, November 23, 2012

Hey lovelies, hope you're all doing great; and hope y'all enjoyed thanksgiving for those in The States. 

Moment of truth, if you hate Mondays and love Fridays raise up your hand...don't lie oh Godiswatchingyou. So it's nice to meet ya, fellow ergophobic sista n bruva, "you're not alone" (in Michael Jackson's voice). Some days mehnn you just get tired of sitting in front of a computer with pen and paper, to-do-list, reminders on your computer, client this, client that, meetings every now and then, deadlines to meet etc. The pressure just keeps building up and BOOM it blows up in your head, you've reached your elastic limit and then you go off the hook. Yeah, that was me on Tuesday as a result of accumulated issues from Monday. The picture above explains it all. I dropped my pen and closed my book, hit ctrl+alt+del and locked my system. AYAM TAYAD. And then started imagining all sorts of fun jobs I could do and still get paid well like acting (if my papa catch me), I thought about being an image consultant (as I like fashion), thought about modelling (will i be able to bare some parts when d time comes), thought about being a TV presenter/radio host (I kuku like to talk). All these while, my colleague who sits opposite me was just wondering if I was ok. When I told him my mind, he quickly started telling me how his partner can hook me up with his cousin who's a movie producer except I'll have to move to California...oyibo pple sha. Anyways, after all my fantasies, I decided to step away from my desk for a while and naughty me...I was taking pictures (at least it helped to take clear my head a lil bit) cos all work and no know the rest. 

I am grateful to God that I have a job-a source of income, but I want to do something I really have passion for. In the mean time....I'll put in my best in this job and acquire all the knowledge I can. It's one thing to know what you want and another thing to go for it; but first you have to be fully equipped to embark on that journey after you've stepped out of your comfort zone. Watch out for this diva...she's going to do big things. See some of my ergophobia pictures below. Errmm...the pictures are not so sharp, better image quality soon. Christmas wishes - Canon HDR Camera. God send santa-claus my way..heheee

(Ergophohobia, derived from the Greek "ergon" (work) & "phobos" fear:  fear of work)
Lynn's definition - fear of work when it wants to blow out your medula oblongata.

Another day of ergophobia...
Btw, I'm loving my new hair. Everyone's been asking what hair it is, Mongolian  Cambodian, Malaysian ..etc even hair I didnt know existed. lolll....So its a WIG. I just style it to look like it's fixed.  Got bored of long wavy hair and wanted a new look.

DISCLAIMER: Don't get it twisted, I'm a good employee with 100% performance rating, yels yels. But...there is a BUT, some days you just need to take a break and breathe. Don't  go and start slacking in your job oh or giving excuses that you're ergophobic. I no tell u dat one. 

Have a lovely weekend sweeties

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Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, November 22, 2012 | 5:42 AM

Thursday, November 22, 2012

A wrap up and capturing all of the FALL/WINTER 2013 trends posted on Fashion Vignette. Here is an overview and for your easy reference.  You can make your selections below by company name to take you to the links. To view all of the other Fall/Winter 2013 trends posted on our site, go here.


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Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, November 21, 2012 | 2:22 PM

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

                              I'm INSPIRED MUCH!!!!!!!!! He's only 15 years!

There are just some things that should not be overlooked or seen as being common. Such things are videos like this that send electric waves down your spine (dunno about you) but when I watch stuff like this, my mind starts thinking. When I was 15, what was I doing? How was my level of thinking? Watching David has given me hope in African youths; it goes to show that where there is a WILL there is a WAY. All you need is focus and determination. I was particularly endeared to the fact that David did not have the resources he needed at his disposal, he took cables from the trash...unbelievable. He turns trash into treasures, at 15. 

Then I look at some youths today who will give many excuses why they have not been able to pass their simple maths and English exam. You were even privileged too be taught in a school and yet you still complain, ah...I wish I could be 15 again and beg God to give me mind-blowing ideas. The other day I read about 3 Nigerian girls who created a generator powered by urine, even though it may be dangerous...I applaud them for their initiative. There are many more Davids in our society today and I want to encourage you to be focused on your passion, start with whatever you have and gradually work your way to realization of your dreams. 

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This month's project is focused on Spring/Summer 2013 and all things POP! 2012 saw the continued rise of neon and pastel colours bringing fun and excitement to the fashion world and we're please to see this trend set to continue next year. More than just a set of colours though, the pop theme encapsulates a mood of playfulness, often with a touch of the retro, and yet somehow always pushing things forward. The challenge for this project is to come up with scarf designs that take this theme forward even further whilst keeping an eye on what's commercial and wearable.

4 winners will be selected, each being awarded £300 and seeing their designs produced and sold in our online store, Topshop and more.

Go here to submit your designs and final submission date is 12/12/2012.

Editorial via BETA


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Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 | 3:05 PM

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Dear readers, this is quite a long article but stick to the end to get the koko cos the sweetest part of the food is usually at the bottom of the pot. 

Looking back at my childhood days, I remember growing up in my parents’ 3 bedroom apartment with cracked edges of the wall and rusty railings. It was a two storey building and we were on the first floor; a home shared by my immediate family plus uncles and aunties (typical naija home). It was not the best accommodation but I’m grateful to God that I had a place to call home. During these days, my dad will give us coins for offering on Sunday and when we asked for extra money for biscuits; he’ll say there’s nothing else to give. Then when we get to church and there’s a need in the house of God, my dad will spring up and give thousands of naira. A shocker was the day he rose up and said he was giving in millions and we were like What da …??? This man just told us he did not have any money in the house and now he’s giving in millions. (we were kids and didn’t have the kind of understanding we have now) We’ll all go back home angry and grumbling. Little did we know that my dad was investing in our future; I was about 11yrs old then. Fast forward, few years later the driver came to my boarding school to take me back home for the long holidays; he drove into this big white duplex and I saw my younger ones running out to welcome me. Was this our home? Yeah…it was a gigantic transition from the house we lived before. So what happened???

I’ve thought about it many times and pondered on why the same people you see begging on the streets with two hands and two legs, walking perfectly well and dressed well remain there every week, every month and every year. They’re healthy, walking tall and looking strong but yet prefer to always seek for whom to receive money/food from. These people have the mind-set of always taking. I call them “the takers/receivers”; they’re never giving but always receiving. They are the kind of people who never have enough, anytime you see them they are always looking for who to take from. “Oga, your boy never chop today oh”; or “madam, anything for the boys?” They think about themselves alone and no matter how much they get from others, it is never enough. To give or render help to another person means shortening their ration so they hold on to every penny they have like their life depended on it. A taker has limited his/her success in life to what he/she can receive from others instead of going out there to change things for themselves.

Now there are another set of people - the “givers” whose mind-set is on how they can help others. These people may not have as much as people think they do but they’re always willing to help, just like my dad. Again, I began to wonder why the same people who own big cars and big homes get bigger, richer and wealthier by the day (I don’t mean people who have embezzled government money to become rich, I mean people who have genuinely worked their way to the top). Today you’ll hear Mr X just acquired a massive property, tomorrow he just finished building a 5-star hotel; another day he just invested in something big and the story continues. Some peeps may say “ah ah, na only you get money?” Well, it sure appears so. It’s not magic, just a simple principle which has been applied over the years and works all the time irrespective of your colour, race or religion. GIVERS NEVER LACK….NEVER EVER! This is why I gave you that lil story above. I’m a witness.

Money gravitates to those who know how to use it; money was created to be spent; to be used by people like you and me. Money has no value until it’s used; if not it is just a piece of paper in your hands.  A water pipe that channels water to different places will never run dry because there’s constant flow of water through it. A man who constantly gives without measure will never run out because God knows that you’re always ready to give. Therefore He’ll always stock you up with more than enough in order to reach out to others. He's the God that gives you power to get wealth (Deutronomy 8:18). 

An example is Strive Masiyiwa (pictured above); he would have been just another billionaire’s name in my head but this case is different. I’ve sat closely with him in church, heard him speak about how he started and how far he has come. Popularly known as Bro Strive in church (so humble) used to have nothing…I mean his wife used to give him money sometimes but today is listed amongst Forbes billionaires. He owns various orphanages, scholarships and trust funds. The man has a heart of giving, totally sold out to the gospel and to make an impact in the lives of others. Just say the word and Bro Strive will reply “I’m available”, so tell me…why won’t he keep getting richer and richer?  Many rich people today look for ways to give back to society, visiting orphanages, motherless babies home, helping the needy etc. Let this be your heart desire. It doesn’t matter how much you have in your account, if you are not a giver and not moved to help the needy; you have a poverty mentality.

Are u still asking why the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer? The poor does not want to spare anything for anybody, all they think of is me, myself and I. Choose to be different. Choose to have the mind-set of a GIVER not a TAKER.  I’ve grown to understand the principle of giving and I can stand to tell you that IT WORKS 101%

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