
News Update :


Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, July 31, 2012 | 11:24 PM

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

HAPPY NEW MONTH TO ALL THE BEAUTIFUL FACES THAT READ LYNNVILLE. This month is going to be a perfect one for us all; filled with lots of fun and joy. The first post for this month is on style and fashion with an amazing event - STYLE LIKE THIS. 

At the Style Like This 2012 trade fair and exhibition, vendors will be showcasing style categories from corporate and casual clothing for men and women, jewellery and accessories, amazing male and female shoes, and fabulous bags, ankara print accessories, beautifully branded tees and a host of other exciting items in a totally central location - 1004 ESTATES, VICTORIA ISLAND, LAGOS. 

This fair will run for 3 days from the Friday, 3rd to Sunday 5th of August 2012.

There will be two sections, one for the general public items and the other for VIP items. Price ranges will vary across all sections.

Entry is FREE!!! Come with friends.

We have samples on our facebook page, check out, there'll be free gifts given out at various intervals during the fair, there'll be a raffle draw to bag amazing wins, there'll be coupons for a percentage off future purchases from us at subsequent fairs and on our pages and sister sites. 

This is an event you would not want to miss; if you are in Lagos you should be there. Check out the kinda stuff you should expect at the exhibition and much more.

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We are thrilled to feature and announce a collaboration with Windsor & Sparrow, a low profile, high concept creative agency who works with a variety of talented artists, designers and individuals to turn concepts and ideas into projects and products.  They recently launch their company's project, the Gallery of Fashion Art which is an online gallery for the works of selected featured fashion illustrators.  In collaboration with Fashion Vignette, they will provide illustrations, portraits, illustrate on top of photographs, draw from the runway and many more...

Check out their websites, , their blog
and shop,

© 2012 by THE GALLERY OF FASHION - all rights reserved.   Layout may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission.
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Penulis : Unknown on Monday, July 30, 2012 | 5:27 AM

Monday, July 30, 2012

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Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, July 28, 2012 | 3:42 PM

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hey dearies, hope y’all had a great weekend. I sure did cos I had been extremely busy during the week so I needed a cozy weekend with movies and ice-cream. For some reason I wasn’t feeling the Olympics ceremony; maybe cos I live in Stratford and the Olympic park is just 6mins walk from my house. Anyways, I’m not talking about the Olympics today but hope to give you some gists on the event, hopefully during the latter part of the game. So let's get to the topic for today.

What is the first thing you notice or look out for when you see someone? Their pretty face, hair-do/hair-cut, eyes, nose, ears, shoes? I have a friend who looks out for people’s dentition (loll, weird right?); another friend looks at the way you walk. Well, people are different and have different things they look out for when they see others but there’s gotta be more to someone than what you can see on the outside. Most times we never get the chance to really see people for who they are, we miss out on the beautiful part of that person because we have chosen to magnify the part of them that doesn’t seem perfect in our eyes.

I woke up this morning and in my usual manner, my Rhapsody of Realities devotional was the first thing I picked up. I flipped the pages till I got to Saturday, July 28th and the topic was “Look For The Good In Others”. This is what I read by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome…There are people who almost never see the good in others; they are known to always dwell on the shortcomings they perceive in other people. Even when others make good remarks about someone, they would most likely inject something negative into it. For instance, a negative-thinking person would possibly say, “Yes, her dress is beautiful, but she is overweight.” They would rather dwell on what they perceive as deficient in others than pay simple compliments even when deserved. What a wrong way to live. Those who act in this manner don’t realise that the negative attitudes they exhibit can only entrench them deeper in the mud of misery. Some people can’t see the good in others, especially because they can’t see the good in themselves; so they often criticise and pick on other people. We should dwell on the fine and good things in others. This is so important because observing and appreciating the good in others isn’t about making them happy; it’s about building a strong and positive character as you allow the outflow of good things from within you.  It’s about becoming the joyful, successful and prosperous man/woman that God has planned for you to be.

He rounded up by saying, “Always make conscious effort to appreciate others for who they are cos it’s the right thing to do. Even when you notice something wrong about others, be loving enough to point it out in a sincere manner. This is a good virtue we must cultivate”.

The message was just too good that I had to write almost everything here. So back to the question I asked in the beginning, what is the first thing you look out for in others? When you look at that boy/girl whose nose appears big in your eyes or who looks fat in your eyes….look for the good in that person and appreciate them for who they are. Everyone on earth was artistically formed and perfectly designed beautifully and wonderfully in God’s own image. In His eyes, you’re the most perfect human that ever existed. Choose to see the good in yourself and it will reflect in the way you see others…there’s more than meet the eyes so focus on the best part and magnify that part in others.

Have a beautiful week ahead.
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Penulis : Unknown on Friday, July 27, 2012 | 4:10 AM

Friday, July 27, 2012

[ UTILITARIAN ] Military trend report and lookbook via ASOS and Free People.

[ TRENDSPOT ]  Photos by Fashion Vignette, London trend shopping June/July '12 via Topshop, Topman and Selfridges. Photo B via Free People.
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Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, July 26, 2012 | 6:02 AM

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Donatella Versace's Resort 2013 collection "Rockmantic" is influenced by the Memphis design movement from the 1980s. The collection encompasses of bright colors and prints collaged with guitars, flowers and shoes.

Images via:
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Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, July 25, 2012 | 5:08 AM

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

We are excited to post our newest contributor and FV team member, Jen Gassiraro's first
[ artINSPIRES ] series where she will inspire us with design, home, artist and style images.  She will also feature her new, amazing paintings and such from time to time.

Visit her inspirational sites: 

Images via:
1·        ARTIST Nazarena Canvas via
2·        DESIGN
3·        HOME
4·        STYLE

*Layout image is exclusive to FV and may not be copied without proper permission.
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Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, July 24, 2012 | 5:32 AM

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

PREMIEREVISION, the world's premier fabric show will be held on Sept 19-21, 2012 in Parc d'Expositions Paris Nord Villepinte. To register online, go to PV's - Registration.

Here is a snapshot of their Autumn/Winter 2013-14 trends, go here for the full details and to view their digital online color trends, go here.

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Penulis : Unknown on Monday, July 23, 2012 | 5:03 AM

Monday, July 23, 2012

Here is a preview of the Women's and Men's A/W 2013-14 color and textile direction from Spin Expo. To also read and view additional trend and color direction, go here.  

Spin Expo is a leading fibres, yarns, knitted fabrics and knitwear show and will be held in Shanghai, Sept 4-6,2012 if you missed it in NY this month. This show is organized by independent textile specialists in fibers. To attend their show you can pre-register online Spin Expo pre-registration.

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Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, July 21, 2012 | 1:29 AM

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tony: I thought about it for a second; No, I can’t.
           I put my face down for a while just to erase the thought.
          Yeah, I can control my mind and that’s exactly what I’ll do.

Eki:  Hi, I think I recognise you from somewhere; you were at the Thai restaurant in     
         Covent Garden for Sylvia’s birthday dinner.

Tony: Oh no!!! Not her………………………………..
           I wanted to act like I did not remember her
           It was too late  cos she remembered my name.
          There was no hiding from this, but not again today (a     
          still small voice whispered in my head). 

Eki was a beauty queen, the first sight of her was angelic, she was a goddess. I couldn’t help but lust after her; I knew it was lust cos I loved my fiancé and would never cheat on her. But Eki was irresistible and just wouldn’t stop, the way she danced and laughed was what drew me to her. I was supposed to be at the wedding party with my fiancé but she had to leave cos she had a professional exam the next day. In her words, “baby…ACCA is very important; it will give me a greater advantage to get big accounting jobs”.  I knew it was important so I had to let her go but she asked me to stay back and have fun with my friends. If only she stayed. I finally looked up at Eki and said hi (acting like I was trying to remember who she was); before I could complete the statement she flung herself into my arms and said “wow, Tony it’s you”, I didn’t know I’ll ever see you again. I knew the face was familiar but I needed to be sure it was you; that’s why I came closer.

Now my heart was pounding, I was being hunted by that wedding night and the things we (Eki and I) did. I could blame it all I want on alcohol but the fact still remains that I could have walked away when I had the chance to but I didn’t. Something told me to walk away but I couldn’t; the heart was strong but the flesh was willing and so………..I fell for her charms and now all I want to do is untie myself from her web. (My heart pounded faster). Tony is everything okay? Ye-yeahh, I stuttered. I took another look at her; I wanted to tell her that I was engaged and that she should forget what happened on the wedding night cos I was drunk. I had memorised the way I’ll say it to her; before I could utter a word she caught me off guard and planted a holy kiss on my lips. Immediately…..i was sprung once again and I heard her whisper…..what she doesn’t know will not hurt her. I looked at her again,….I know you have a fiancé but don’t worry this is our little secret. No one has to know. The thought of keeping things from Bukky pierced my soul, I allowed myself get drowned in this mess; if she finds out my life is over. What do I do, i love my fiance but can't stop??? 

‘Honey, snap back to reality’, Kris said as he shook me from behind and gave me a peck on the cheek. I quivered a lil bit cos I didn’t realise he was there while I was staring into thin air with my thoughts wandering miles away. He came over to stand in front of me, ‘I know you Jenny…there’s something on your mind, I want to hear it and please don’t say it’s nothing’. As usual, my response was ‘I’m fine sweetie, trust me on this one’. You know how I like to just look into the skies and watch the birds chirp and flap their wings (I hoped he wouldn’t press further). Kris smiled and looked right into my eyes, as though he was going to cast a spell on me to make me talk; I could sense he wasn’t giving up on this one till I said what the problem was. We’ve been friends from childhood and spent our teenage years together before we both left the country for our B.Sc & M.Sc. He could read my mind, he was my second conscience. Hhmmm but this one…I couldn’t tell him. 

Kris and I bonded again when he moved from New York to London. He got a job here and decided to take it in order to be closer to his family. Our puppy love as kids gradually blossomed into a perfect relationship, the way I had always imagined it to be. He was everything I asked for, my knight in shining armour. One weekend Kris had to travel back to New York for his brother’s graduation, he was going to spend only 5 days and come back to London. I couldn’t wait for him to return….I even slept in his pajamas all night.
At 7pm, just 2days after he left, Kris called me and told me he had to help a friend who just came into town and was stranded as he lost his wallet in a transit flight so he could not pay for a hotel. Ok love, I love you…..and the call ended. Obi knocked at the door few minutes past 9pm. O.M.G!!! It was as though Denzel Washington just walked into my apartment. You must be Jenny, he said. My mouth was still open as I was in awe of the perfectly and artistically crafted image standing right in front of me. Oops…(my mind jogged back to my senses), yeah I am and you must be Obi. Welcome. I had to take him to the guest room and get him something to eat. I took extra time to make sure everything was perfect for him (why??? My heart was skipping miles). I was giving him the same treatment I will give Kris and this was not a good sign. Fast forward….I made it through that night with my dignity still intact. The second night, Oh God!!! His chest, those arms, the smile…what is wrong with me? I’m lusting after my fiancee's friend. Obi finished his meal and brought the plates to the kitchen, as he was leaving, we bumped into each other and that was how we started talking. The chat got deeper and deeper; our faces drew closer and closer and....the rest is history. My eyes opened after the deed was done, Obi saw the guilt in my eyes. He held my face up and said “Jenny, I saw the way you looked at me from the first day you opened that door, somehow I felt it too but you’re my friend’s fiancée. Just one thing…He doesn’t have to know". 

Hhhmmmm........he/she doesn't have to know??? No matter how dark the night gets, the sun will still shine in the morning. One day, something will happen that will let the cat out of the bag. Hence my question........

Is it really worth it? To give up 80% for a pleasurable 20%.
Is it worth it? To give up a need for a want?
Is it worth giving up happiness with the woman/man who loves you for a one-stop-shop that will only last for moments?

Read the Lyrics of this song....makes real sense cos in the end it's all about the decisions we make. TO ACT ON THAT THOUGHT or NOT TO. 

It all starts from that one thought. What is your opinion?
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Penulis : Unknown on Friday, July 20, 2012 | 4:40 AM

Friday, July 20, 2012

Today's post [ TREND REPORT ] ORIENTAL INFLUENCE , is from one of our newest member on our team, fashion and trend contributor Marina Araujo Alvarez who is a Fashion Designer and Stylist located in Barcelona, Spain.

Make sure to visit her amazing and inspirational blog, and her website

© 2012 by Marina Araujo Alvarez - all rights reserved.   
Inspirational layout may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission.
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Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, July 19, 2012 | 5:08 AM

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Arts of Fashion Foundation competition is open to students studying Fashion and Design anywhere in the world during the academic year 2012-2013. Participants will not only represent themselves, but also their Schools, Colleges or Universities, as well as their Countries.

To participate in the International Arts of Fashion Competition, applicant should register online. After confirmation of registration, applicant would have to submit drawings of a mini collection of three outfits in menswear, womenswear, or a mixed collection of both men's and women's wear.

Promote and reward creativity and inventiveness; discover emerging talent and facilitate careers; establish enriching contacts and exchanges between different countries, schools and universities; and to foster new relationships between those from different industries and fields.

The laureates received Awards and a Certification for their creative and original work based on theme. (Judging based on coherence with the theme, skill level, creativity and artful expressiveness).


3. CALENDAR 2013:
- July 15, 2012: Online registration begins.
April 1, 2013: Submission deadline for all application materials mailed to the Arts of Fashion Foundation

To learn more go here....

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Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, July 18, 2012 | 5:38 AM

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We are thrilled to re-feature and announce a collaboration with Jen Gassiraro our newest contributor who is based in the Dallas, Texas area.   She is an amazing and talented designer who by day is a Textile/Graphic Designer for a leading retailer in the U.S.  To fullfill her need to create outside of her work and her high energy to paint and illustrate, she creates beautiful art that she sells to the public. 

We can't wait to share all the beautiful inspirational visuals she will create for us, so stay tuned.... In the meantime, you'll need to visit and follow her inspirational and beautiful sites below as she shares so many great visuals to inspire us!


© 2012 by JEN GASSIRARO - all rights reserved.   Layout may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission.

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Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 | 5:39 AM

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

You can also check out her website, to view more of her work and to contact her if you need an illustrator for any projects.  To also view her past illustration posts on FV, go here.

© 2012 by MELANIE BOYCHUK illustration and Fashion Vignette layout. All rights reserved. No part of these images may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission.   
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Penulis : Unknown on Monday, July 16, 2012 | 4:58 AM

Monday, July 16, 2012

Here are a couple of great directional and informative online trend sessions from Trendstop, check out the full details here.


F/W 2013-14 Fashion & Color Themes Trend scheduled on July 26, 2012, 5pm GMT

Conducted by's founder Jaana Jätyrithe online trend briefing will cover a comprehensive overview of the emerging color palettes for Fall/Winter 2013-14 along with six major fashion themes. The presentation will also reveal the latest denim trends, on the key washes, fabric treatments, colors and surface treatments

The online session also includes a PDF summary as a follow up, sent via email. Go here to register online now.


S/S 2013  Global Color Trend scheduled on August 23, 2012.

The webinair is aimed to deliver practical and directional S/S 2013 color forecast.  The session will include key forecasted shades for S/S 2013 with Pantone Fashion and Home references, inspiration color boards and mood visuals, examples of womenswear, menswear and lifestyle color application and more... All attendees will also receive a pdf summary handout after the presentation.

For a sneak preview via youtube, go here and to register, go here.

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Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, July 14, 2012 | 6:56 AM

Saturday, July 14, 2012

As unpredictable as the UK weather is, there was something different about today. The sun was shining brightly and the day was warm and lovely; it was a long time such weather was seen in London. The summer was taken over by rainy days and chilly winds; the leather jackets and boots that should have been resting from winter were still worn in mid-July. But this day put a smile on most faces as it still gave us hope to have a bright sunny summer, at least even if it was for a day. Umbrellas were left at home, the leather jackets were swapped for strapless tops and short kickers, boots for sandals. Everyone wanted to get a feel of the scorching sun, the parks and playgrounds were full with kids playing and running around.

It was a great day for me as well,  I had to take off my blazers at some point at work cos the heat was becoming unbearable. Tick-tock says the clock and before I knew it, the day had come to an end; time to go home and enjoy more of the weather (so I thought). It was about 6:15pm when I boarded the bus home, I brought out my ear-piece to listen to my favourite playlist (it helps take your mind off the journey) and my eyes closed as I swayed my head back and forth to the rhythm of the song. After about 6 minutes, I opened my eyes to keep track of the journey so as not to miss my bus-stop. I was shocked at what I saw; the very sunny bright weather was now gloomy, it was raining heavily and people were running into the nearest shelter to shield themselves from the rain. I looked around and I could sense panic from the people sitting around me in their summer outfits without umbrellas. I was not left out in the panic attack…my suede shoes, my bag, my hair, mogbe oh!!! I don enta today…who send me message? My umbrella always stays in my bag, I don’t leave home without it but today, I decided to leave it at home.  I for carry my umbrella ohhhh. All these were going through my head, my stop was another 7 minutes and I was thinking of how soaked I will be before I got home, how messed up my shoes will be and all what not. It was not funny at all.  But guess what??? Lo and behold…when I got to my bus stop, the rain had subsided, it was just the chilly wind trying hard to blow my weaves off my head (lol). And then I asked myself what all the panic was for? I was beating myself up for nothing because the problem I was worried about was solved even before I got to that point.

That is how life is…many times we worry ourselves over things that we should not be worried about right now. We put ourselves through a lot of pain and trouble cos we’re trying so hard to run faster than our minds; trying to do something before the time comes. There is a popular cliché that says “when you get to the bridge you’ll cross it” – but this is actually true cos it re-echoes what the bible tells us in Philippians 4:16 to be anxious for nothing. When you panic, it literally worsens the case cos all you can imagine is every possible negative outcome. It drowns your faith and dominates you with fear.

Today you may be worried about your future, your job, your relationship, marriage, family, or life in general. My advice to you is DO NOT PANIC, don’t worry that things are not going the way you want it. You may have envisaged how badly things will end or how creepy it may turn out…just relax. What you have in your head is different from what He’s planned for you. Be calm and know that He who sees tomorrow is working behind the scenes of your life and will help you cross that bridge when you get there.  Relinquish the moment, enjoy every bit of your day, relax yourself, cast your cares on him and let him worry about your tomorrow.

Have a lovely weekend.
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Penulis : Unknown on Friday, July 13, 2012 | 5:56 AM

Friday, July 13, 2012

Layout by Fashion Vignette . Images via
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Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, July 12, 2012 | 6:16 AM

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Editorial by Vogue.IT

The Domus Academy and Vogue Talents want to motivate young talents thinking out of the box, eager to make an intensive experience in the Italian design culture, offering three scholarships to attend the 2013 edition of the Master in Fashion Design and three scholarships to attend the 2013 edition of the Master in Accessories Design: one scholarship covering 70%, one covering 50%  and one covering 30% of the total tuition fee of the Master Program.

The Master Program in Fashion Design proposes an integrated approach between cultural, design, production, marketing and communication aspects through a dialogue with experts of the field. The program is designed to contribute to the development of professionals able to express their creativity and face the new challenges coming from the Fashion world. The Master Program in Accessories Design, on the other side,provides a wide view on accessories in their different domains: from leather goods to costume jewelry, in line with the increasing need of the market to have specialized designers with a fashion advanced approach. 

In order to participate, the candidates have to:
- hold a first-level academic diploma or BA degree, or be about to graduate within the academic year 2011/12 and have a knowledge of the English language
- send a personal portfolio/personal collection (man or woman), including a 500 words abstract on the research inspiring the collection, sketches of the collection including technical references (minimum 15 sketches), pictures of the outfits (minimum 3);
send a curriculum vitae: maximum 1 A4 page; 
send a statement of purpose: maximum 5 lines on an A4 page;

candidates for Accessories Design are asked to include an accessories collection in their personal portfolio.

Any further attached material will be considered a plus and will be evaluated by the jury.
The candidates are asked to send their materials in one sole file in .PDF format.

The works must be mailed to Domus Academy by and not later than August 31st,2012.

All the information:
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