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Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, June 28, 2012 | 4:43 PM

My humble self (Baba God pikin)

On my own, I am not the best neither am I the most experienced; but He believed in me enough to choose me. If He(God) did, therefore, I believe I’m the best cos He said so.

8 May 2012…
I walked into the building that Tuesday morning, looking all radiant and corporate in Grey blazers, white shirt and black skirt (feeling cool with myself), there was someone at the reception to receive the new intakes and directed us to the meeting rooms where the induction will take place. I adjusted myself and settled into a seat just beside the door; 9am, 9.30, 9.45am…finally there was someone here to speak to us. A lot was said on the first day, the job function, code of conduct, dress code, the normal induction drill when you start a new job. The next thing was training and then getting into the job proper; as usual you’re expected to perform and show those skills you quoted in your CV (lol). It’s the same feeling when you graduate from the university and peeps tell you, “welcome to the real world”. Because after everything is put down on paper, the time will come to practicalise it and find out if it’s actually the same. But believe me, it is not always the same cos during training you are not exposed to the main functions as to when you’re doing the job directly.

I’m sure you’re wondering where I’m headed, don’t worry I’ll get there soon.

So the D-day finally came. Lynda O-me-r-ek-pi (oyibo man murdered my surname)…I sha stood up, and he said “you’re on the fourth floor; follow me”. I was led to my desk, had to set up my system and phone extensions. Anyway to cut the long story short…It was time to face the real world. Now I had weekly targets to meet (not marketing) and the thought of it alone was scary and I didn’t know how to go about it. But one thing I knew was that God allowed me to get to this place and will definitely not leave me alone now. In my mind I just said “Lord, we’re in this together”; after that thought, I felt encouraged and ready to face the challenge. It was like an adrenaline rush, all my fears were gone and I just wanted to get into the game.  From that day till date, God has done so many things that I do not know how to thank Him, words alone are not enough and I just wanted to share my excitement with you all. It’s been a smooth ride, surpassing every hurdle and challenge, everything working in my favour even when there were office obstacles standing in the way. Above all I have always surpassed my targets by 50%. One of my colleagues yesterday made a comment; he said I was making those who’ve been there before me feel like they are not working cos I just came in and picked up with speed, aiming for the same kinda targets with them. And I smiled and said, “it’s by the grace of God”. And sometimes it’s very funny when some people look at me in amazement and say things like “I’m surprised” or “Wow… I didn’t think you could do that”. I just laugh cos they don’t understand, and guess why? Cos it’s not by my ability, but the GOD in me. He chose me, predestined me, justified me and enabled me. All I can say is Baba God NONI, ESE, IMEELA.

So at work, in school, wherever you may be, let God be your guide, your backbone, your partner. You’ll do exploits. He wants to be a vital part of your everyday life, even little things as picking out clothes to wear or hair-styles to make (yeah,…very very true cos I’m a witness). Many times I go to bed not knowing what to wear to work the next day and in the morning I stand in front of my wardrobe and ask Him to help me pick out something. It’s really funny but it works cos just on Tuesday I asked for what to wear and He showed me what to wear for both Tuesday & Wednesday. The shirt for Wednesday had been there for almost 3months and I never figured out what to wear it with but just in a second, God sorted that issue. Not like the days I try every dress in my wardrobe before finding something, NO...I just knew what to wear. Guy/babes…you should give it a try. That’s God for you, He always does exceedingly abundantly more than you can ask. Always ready to blow your mind and take you by surprise.

 So when next people wonder at the kinda things you do or how you do these things; just tell them…It’s the God in me.

These songs by Mary-Mary have been a wonderful inspiration; pay attention to the lyrics and get the kinda vibes I’ve been feeling.

   So if you see me looking so fresh, looking so fly, looking so cool..what you don't know its that it is the God in me. :o)

                                   Thank you Lord for all You’ve done. Baba God Noni.

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