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Penulis : Unknown on Sunday, March 24, 2013 | 12:01 PM

Beautifully and Wonderfully made for HIS glory
You are my bright and morning star
The air I breathe that's who you are
Your touch ignites me
Your smile excites me
You are in everything I do
I'm incomplete without you
I don't know what I'll  do
If I would...If I would loose you

Words alone are cannot explain the ignition and feelings that surge through my body while in His presence. His touch is so magical; his smile so exciting I want to keep looking at his face. Oh, and his words are as sweet as a honey comb. His big arms wrap me up in his warm embrace..I just wanna be there forever. What an ecstasy and sweet fellowship, I love him so much. But then, I wonder why he loves me the way He does; why He chose me from the crowd; why He fashioned me the way He did. In my imperfection, He saw a perfect heart; in my inability He is more than able; in the time of weakness He is always my strength, my ever present help, my all in all. What would I ever do without You... I love you Jesus, I'm so incomplete without you. 

I just had to express how much I love God. For the past 7 days, I have been off social media - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Blogging etc. I just wanted to get lost in Him and fine-tune my antenna to His frequency, to go deeper in my relationship with Him. And...WOW, it was and has been so exciting. Sometimes you need to take time off the things that take your attention and focus on God for clarity, focus, wisdom and directions. A place of solitude, worship, fasting and prayers. A place of LOVE. 

Every moment of prayer is an investment in eternity and true romance of righteousness... Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Indeed, the place of prayer and worship is a sweet, loving, romantic experience. No one can ever love you  the way God does, there is no love greater than His. I just can't explain the feeling. So when you feel the world is crumbling on your shoulders and there's nowhere to hide, He's always there by your side; he wants to hold you tight and take your tears away. Through every challenge, trouble, worry, cares, whatever the need...just get into a sweet romance with God and experience spiritual ecstasy that turns situations around. Just focus your gaze on the "SON" and you won't see the shadows. I'm already seeing the results...I'll share them with you gradually as  the days go by.

I encourage you to listen to this song... I was moved to tears in worship, the chorus is written above. I couldn't find the video on YouTube so watch the full song here

Have a beautiful week

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