
News Update :


Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, February 14, 2012 | 2:23 AM

Everywhere is filled with red roses and cards and love songs in the air. What a lovely and loving ambience to have. Some people are already counting their gifts with "awws" and "oohs" in the air while some are pissed because they didn't receive what they expected. Well, whatever the case may be, don't worry about the gifts and all what not cos you're loved. Someone wants me to tell you how loved you are, you're so priceless and cherished and His love cannot be quantified. And I love you too, please don't loose your value today trying to add value to somebody. 

I woke up this morning to read this message from a friend and I want to share it with you. A girl has been bragging to her friends about her fiance who's so rich and has promised to wow her on valentines day. The day is finally here and he shows up at her doorstep with a "loaf of bread" and his smile but she got mad at him, tore the bread and threw it back at him. While she threw the bread, a ring and a car key fell out of the bread. 

If you were the girl what will you do?
If you were the guy, what will be your reaction?
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