
News Update :


Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, November 14, 2013 | 4:05 PM

While I was still on vacation, a friend asked on Instagram when I was going to blog about my trip and I said as soon as I get back. I was really excited about the trip that I thought I would have posted it ASAP but I was mistaken. I had the most annoying flight with the strangest turbulence ever. Imagine how everyone in the aircraft felt when the pilot announced, "I'm really sorry I have to tell you this but I have just received an instruction from London to make a diversion to Shannon in Ireland due to....the story is long but in summary, a 7 hours flight became 10 hours. I was so knackered, jet-lagged & sleepy that I still couldn't get up from the bed the next day till 12 noon; but the eagle has awoken...and here is the vacation post. Before you continue, you'll need to read the Part 1 of this article HERE to understand my story.

Being a first child I always felt this responsibility to carry everybody on my shoulder; it's even worse that I sometimes go beyond family and take on more responsibilities than this my small petite body (with a very large heart) can carry. When I say I'm busy, it's really difficult for some people to understand cos they don't know the things I got myself involved in. Most of them I chose to do but others were designated to me because "Lynda, I just couldn't find any other person to trust to handle this better than you"...those words meant you're trustworthy; you're reliable and you deliver (I'm good like that...oya business partners show up ASAP, loll). Saying NO sometimes is not wrong but I feel I will be letting the person down so I just say YES and take that responsibility "happily". I handle everything so well that no one (including me) ever notices if there's anything wrong with me or not. One day, I found myself in the hospital and after so many tests the doctor had no diagnosis but he had one question for me - what do you do for a living? I took a deep breath and wondered which one I should tell him... before I could mutter a word he said "you need to take some time off work and REST". Now that sunk into my head (workaholics pls take a chill pill and rest). During this period, a friend called me after he heard I was indisposed and the first thing he said was "You think you're super woman abi?" I still didn't understand him, he said "you think you can do everything all by yourself? You need to chill out sometimes and take care of yourself or else your body will break down." Ohhhh... I understood him now. I kinda wish I was really super woman *winks* at least I will be faster with the tasks and fly to different countries to chill out when I need to. So that's what I did... I took a chill pill and decided to enjoy a vacation in the States. I went to Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia and North Carolina. I had so much fun, it was a great experience cos I saw amazing people who I had not seen for almost 8 years. I was too excited I didn't even remember to take pictures (sounds funny right)... but believe me we chatted, laughed, ate, drank that I literally forgot to capture some of the moments. One thing I couldn't help but notice was the wide roads compared to the tiny lanes we have in London; also the houses are more spacious than the cubicles in London. Anyways, to cut the long story short - I rested veryyyy well; there's nothing like waking up on a Monday morning and not think about work or any alarm disturbing your sweet dreams. #enjoyment.... I had a good time and hope to return soon.

These are the few pictures I managed to take... a big shout out to Ola (ma ride or die, sister-of-life, omalicha nwa, tomato jos, baby oku). We went everywhere together, this vacation would not have been fun without her. Love u muchos.

Before stepping out for the movies

Waiting for movie to start - had some thai food (was realllllllyyyy nice...yummy)

Streets of Silver Spring, movies at IMAX. Watched Gravity - you should see it.
Pls what am I searching for in my bag in front of white house?

CNN Building Washington DC

White House Down

Happy Ola, always radiant and joyful...streets of DC

I just loved this view (the shape of the building) and decided to capture it

Taking a chill pill...

Founders Library - Howard University, Washington DC

Safeway Building - Maryland

Road Trip to North Carolina

Pentagon Shopping Mall - Virginia
Say cheese...Night out with Kendough (this is the day I forgot to take pix of my friends)

Another eventful day...

Ola pumpin...pweety in pink

Say Cheese...
First day in Maryland

The day I dreaded...don't like saying goodbye. 
Coincidentally, I also ran into a friend I had not seen since NYSC in 2008, I was so shocked when she tapped me as we landed in London. It was really good to see her again even though she was on transit to Nigeria cos I don't know when next I'll see her again. 
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