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Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, June 6, 2013 | 5:01 PM

My bus ride to work takes approximately 20 mins; some people wonder why I take the bus instead of the train cos the train is faster and takes less time. One good reason is because it's kinda cheaper to go by bus, I save more and still get to work before most people who take the train. The second reason is because when you're in the bus, you get to enjoy the view of the city. I've been in London approximately 3 years but it seems like I know most streets and shortcuts around the city; especially central London. My university was in Central London. and all the places I've worked are also in Central London. London gets so busy that when you get into the train, it's swamped and packed like sardines with people looking tired, weary and angry (lol) riding in dark train tunnels while I enjoy the view of the city on my bus ride. Likewise, we get caught up in the nitty-gritty of life with all the hustling and bustling, working 9am to 5pm (or like Lagosians working 7am to 10pm) and forget that in the journey of life you need to take a "chill-pill" and ENJOY YOUR LIFE. While I was studying, my journey was from Stratford station to Baker street station; once I go underground at Stratford, the next sight of the blue sky will be at Baker street station. I was on the speed lane, I never even knew Madame Tussauds was right opposite me. I never saw the beauty of the city till I started taking the bus. Some of us are in life's speed lane, we are too busy to notice the beautiful things & people that God has placed in our path for us to live a happy life. You see a busy couple who seldom notice each other cos they're always in a hurry to leave the house to work & come back too tired to bond...slowly they loose track of each other and we wonder why some marriages end even before they started. We miss out on happy moments cos we're too focused on the speed lane....pls SLOW DOWN A LIL' BIT. 

As at 11:27pm, KB was just leaving his office in Victoria Island to go home on the mainland. KB is a dedicated auditor who works with one of the Big 4 multinational companies in Nigeria. As wonderful as my dear friend is, he is one of such employees you give a task to do and be sure it will be done 101%. Some weekends, he is also at work...he travels round the country to audit at client sites and has less time for himself. Oh, did I mention he is also studying for a professional exam together with his tight schedule at work. In his words, "the result for a good job in my company is more work". He gets home some minutes before or after midnight, sleeps late and wakes up before 6am to beat the morning traffic so he doesn't get to work late (as per "employee of the year"). As much as we want to achieve set goals and make all the money in the world; it would make no sense if you achieve all of these and not able to enjoy it. We get too busy that we sometimes become a shadow of ourselves, we skip meals, less rest, less prayer times, less family times and more work time with more headaches & body aches. To function effectively for the company, you need to take proper care of yourself if not you'll break down one day and it won't take the company much time to find a replacement for you cos life goes on. ENJOY YOUR LIFE...don't get overwhelmed by life that you forget to live it to the fullest. John 10:10 says "...I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)". I bet you never thought the word "enjoy" was in the bible but hey...God wants you to enjoy life, not just small enjoyment but to the full till it OVERFLOWS. hehehee

This is not just for workaholics but for people who constantly beat themselves up because you have not achieved a set goal. You are 30 going on 31 and still single; you wanted to work in a very big company but you're still stuck in the small one; you graduated 3 years ago and haven't found a job yet; you've been in the same level at work and didn't get the promotion you wanted. I had the same feeling with you few weeks ago cos I really
wanted to achieve a goal I set but it didn't quite happen the way I expected, but hey...take a good look around you, count how many good things that have happened to you since January. Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his/her stature or change the situation? Don't let it get to you...look yourself in the mirror, call your name and say it is time you enjoyed your life.So I can't wait for Saturday, me and ma friend from who's coming from Scotland are gonna have madddd fun!!!! As in, I've decided to bring out ma summer florals and shorts, it's time to have fun. I'm looking forward to a vacation as well, Paris or Atlanta...errmm I'll make up my mind soon cos I have to live up to the reason Jesus died for me. I can't be sulking about one thing when I can be happy and enjoy life knowing he is working out everything for my good. Think about it, He never sleeps nor slumbers so why should I not sleep (that means two of us will be doing the work..nahh, He's more than able). So in life, there is no button for REWIND, PAUSE or the journey goes on, just take a chill-pill and learn how to enjoy your life cos you only live once. Don't let life pass you by, live it and enjoy it till it overflows.

DISCLAIMER: This article is not for you to be lazy @ work. Be efficient & hardworking but don't kill yourself while trying to do so.

Have a Fantastic weekend
Luv y'all
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