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THE it all started and the journey so far

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, January 24, 2013 | 7:09 PM

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to It was 365 days ago I started this blog. I'm grateful to God for everything. I'm grateful for the challenges in consistency, getting the inspiration to write, knowing what to write and finally writing the articles. It was not east combining full time work and keeping up with blogging consistently plus I'm the Admin officer in my Cell Group in church which means I handle a lot of paperwork and updates online. How then was all these possible? 

Zechariah 4:6So he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Lynda Omerekpe: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.

Indeed, it was all by HIS grace, HIS strength, His wisdom, His spirit. Some nights I sleep on top of my laptop. Infact I'm currenty blogging at 01:41am after I slept off on my laptop trying to update my cell attendance register online. Hhhmmm, I love it that I'm using my youth for a purpose, to affect my world and making an impact in every little way I can. So the question is HOW DID IT ALL START?

I am the first child in a family of 6 (surpised? loll, don't be); so I grew up being a care-taker. I had to look out for my younger ones, lead by example, be responsible etc, which gave me a head-start into encouraging others. I usually find myself trying to encourage people - it became my passion. When I started using Blackberry sometime in 2009 (b4 the whole BB craze) I decided to send out daily devotions every morning. Trust me, a lot of people were mad at me for broadcasting rubbish(what they called the devotions) and waking them up in the morning; but still there were a few who appreciated it and will even complain if I sent it late cos they use it every morning and waited for me to send it. I continued doing this (i didn't get discouraged cos some  people didn't accept it).

LESSON 1: Not every one will appreciate/accept/encourage you when you decide to follow a dream/passion. Don't get discouraged...keep pressing on

After one year, people actually started adding me on BB especially because of these messages. I was like "wow"...for real? I was even moved to do more. Sometimes when people ask for my pin, I actually give them a warning notice that they will receive early morning messages which may wake them up when they're snoring. OK, fast forward... BellaNaija is one of the blogs I stalk read and I see articles written by others featured on the blog. I knew I loved to write so I decided to write a article and send to BellaNaija to be featured on the blog. I did write the article and then when I opened my laptop to send the email, something woke up inside of me (I'll say it was the holyspirit). It was a voice asking me why I was sending my article to another blog when I can actually have my blog; not just will be an avenue to still encourage people since I was leaving BB soon. It was funny to me in a way cos a friend of mine Yemisi of once told me to start a fashion blog since I like to dress up (wahala na to find camera man wey go take my pishure every day) so starting a blog was not in any way close to my goals for 2012. Meanwhile all my friends started blogs the year before and I was like, "I no get strength jare". But that particular day, those words were so strong in my spirit and I knew it was time for me to start a blog.

LESSON 2: Don't do something because everybody is doing it or because someone forced you to do it... you'll get tired of doing it. Do it because it is something you love, if not you will stop half way and blame people for it.

When I started,  I wrote my first article because of the song "I'll be there" by Tiffany Evans. I always put that song on repeat when I'm in the shower and all I think of while it plays is how I can be of help to some one out there; how I can tell someone that I'll be there if they ever needed me. I write from my heart; I was not born a writer but because I have the passion to reach others, God fills my heart with what to say. I was working part-time when I started but after 2 months, I got a full time job and "oh boy", blogging became a challenge. I got challenged when a reader was the one checking up on me and asking when I will be posting an article after more than one week. Now I try as much as possible to update my blog every week. Also, I almost got discouraged cos there may be an article that there will be only one comment. But guess what? I encouraged myself and I said "if it was only one person that this article encouraged today, then I am fulfilled". But sometimes the comments just roll and I am grateful to all of you who have stopped by to drop a word. You have encouraged me to write even more when I felt discouraged. Thank you.

LESSON 3: In the path of destiny, the road is not always smooth, there will be obstacles to challenge you. How passionate are you about that dream to follow it through even in the midst of challenges? You will be forced to make excuses or to use the easiest route of escape but DON'T. Instead, be persistent, consistent and focused. Tough people always get through. Don't forget, the light can only shine in the dark. Without darkness, your light will not be seen. Challenges come for your promotion.

To cut the long story short...[I had no ides this post will be long, ma bi nu (sorry)]

After so many months of typing,editing, posting and replying comments; I can say it has been a wonderful journey. From trying to send my article to be featured on Bella Naija, today my blog is 1 year old and has been featured in Jewels Magazine in Nigeria. The article featured in Jewels was "If you won't make her a wife, then don't make her a mother" Pls read it HERE, this article has been in popular post since April 2012 so I'm sure you'll love it.  
Proud of myself *winks* see my innocent pix 

Two other articles have been featured on FemmeLounge, read it HERE and will be featured in many more places. Remember my article on Success Is A Process, you can read it HERE, I can CONFIDENTLY tell you that it is an article you will want to read and indeed I'm an example. I started this blog with Me, Myself and I but as at today, I have written 100 articles (96 in 2012 & 4 in 2013) with 56 lovely followers who have also encouraged me in one way or the other. A BIG THANKS to you all, I love you so much. You are the reason I keep blogging and God will bless you for your support.

LESSON 4: Never Give up...Galatians 6:9 - And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. So expect more from LynnVille, there will be greater news for you by the time we celebrate the 2nd anniversary cos this chic aint gon' faint or give up. Infact, the journey just started.

Dancie Dance Dance!!! Thanking God for the journey so far and for much more to come :)
PS: Dancing is my hubby so....I'm thinking of doing a dance video on my birthday 15th February. Yay or Nay? (I'm shy oh, hope  I pull through with this one)

Goodmorning sweeties... I'm going to bed now @ 03:07am. 

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