
News Update :


Penulis : Unknown on Sunday, January 20, 2013 | 9:37 AM


I'm so excited, it was just like yesterday....I will tell the story of how LynnVille came into existence and it all started on 25th January 2012. I will give you the full story on 25/01/2013. I want to use this opportunity to say a bing THANK YOU and to celebrate YOU, my wonderful, beautiful, handsome (I have seen your faces cos I have you in my thoughts when I write) plus, when you read the blog of a beautiful person...hehehe, you automatically get infected with beauty. So there's going to be a giveaway contest to mark this anniversary. The winner (male/female) will win:

  • £20 voucher from H & M (For non-UK residents, it will be converted to the equivalent of your currency)
  • You'll be featured on LynnVille (Fashion, Inspiration, Photography etc) whatever your passion is, we'll show it to the world via LynnVille.
To enter for this contest, you MUST:

  1. Like LynnVille Page on Facebook by clicking HERE
  2. Follow @Lynn_Ville on Twitter by clicking HERE
  3. Follow @Lynn_Ville on Instagram by clicking HERE
  4. Follow LynnVille and get 2 other people to follow (Right Side of the blog where you see "join this site") 
  5. Leave a comment under this post with your name, Instagram ID, Facebook ID, Twitter handle and the 2 people who joined the blog through you.

And...if there's something you've been wanting to ask or to know about me, now is the time. Send your questions to with the subject QUESTION. I look forward to answering them to the best of my knowledge. 

DON'T MISS IT...Entry starts now and ends 30th January 2013. I will post the winner on 31st January 2013.

XX..Love y'all

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