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Penulis : Unknown on Sunday, September 16, 2012 | 12:28 PM

Hi sweet-cakes....yes, you reading this. Welcome to a new week. Its been a while I posted an article on LynnVille; I've been pretty busy. Lots of ups and downs and all sorts of things coming up but I knew this day wouldn't pass by without me sending a shout to my beloved readers who have made this journey worth-while. So we're talking about green grasses today huh? I'll just go straight to the point.

So on this fateful Monday morning, I walked up to the coffee machine in the office to get my regular dose of hot chocolate to get me fired up for work. On getting there, I met an Indian colleague...let's call her Priya. And then we got talking, girls and lil' gossips and chats about the weekend. As the conversation was getting to an end, Priya said, "I love your new hair" and I said thanks. And the she's like, "you're so lucky you can decide to change your hair style whenever you want, unlike me I just have one thing to do to my hair; its either I pack it up or just let it down and that's all". While she was talking, I was like..O.M.G what's wrong with this chic??? As in, I was lost in the conversation. See me see wahala oh...does this girl know how much I want to have her hair? I quickly remembered how much my Indian human hair cost me...I was speechless. I just looked at her and smiled and said thanks for the compliments. In that split second, I just realised that it was not her fault co the grass is always greener on the other side. I'm sure she genuinely wants to have different hair styles and different looks but could not freestyle like me. On the other hand, many Africans will do anything to have their hair long, curly & silky like the Indians. Sometimes I say stuff like, if only God will ask me what I want to change on my body I'll say He should change my African hair to smooth, silky and wavy hair. How ungrateful I was? Ah...Baba I'm sorry.

So how many times have you wished you were like that your neighbour who had a big mansion and flashy cars? Do you know if he sleeps peacefully at night? It's always easy to want what somebody else has without even knowing what that person goes through because of that particular thing you've been eyeing. We need to appreciate the things that God has blessed us with, our family, friends, job, yourself as a person. Cos that thing about you or that thing you have which you take for granted, someone else is also wishing they had it. If there's anything you so desire, talk to God (not things like changing your black skin to white oh...) and in time God will provide it for you. Love yourself for who you are and don't change yourself for anything, there's a reason God made you the way you are. There's no other person as unique, pretty, handsome, awesome, intelligent and special as you. Keep that in mind this week.

Cheers sweeties....
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