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Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, February 1, 2012 | 2:04 AM

Hi Dearies...

WELCOME TO FEBRUARY, a month of Love and also happens to be my baiday birth month. Well, what can i say about February? First I want to thank God for His infinite mercies and unconditional love towards us that inspite of all my wrong-doings. He still loves me. Sometimes I wonder -Who am I that God will even care so much about me? Who am I that he feels my hurt? But then I realised something?  I am the apple of His eyes, the effulgence of His glory, His most-priced possession, His best, His daughter, a CHOSEN one, a ROYAL Priesthood. With this consciousness, I understood that there's no greater LOVE than this, that irrespective of all I've done, He chooses to still love me and this is the message I want to pass across today...LOVE even when it's inconvenient.

You will never truly know how to love someone until you understand the love of God, if not you will only be running around in circles trying to please people and trying to change people to please you. Love beyond the physical, love with all your heart, love, love, love and keep loving. Love is a verb not a noun; it is expressed in giving....(what are you thinking?) Well... YES, you give of your time, energy, resources, etc. When you love, there's a natural force that compels you to want to do something for the person. E.g. "for God so loved the world THAT He gave His only son"... This means because He loved us, He was compelled to give. So this month give something to someone, it doesn't have to be a present or money or material things. Sometimes giving someone your attention is all they require to be happy, giving a smile may be the light that will brighten someone's day, a word of advice may help a friend make the right decisions, all you need to do is just say I'LL BE THERE.  So this month and always...decide to show love cos without love there's no life. 

Also, give thanks to God for bringing you into a new month. I love this song (a bit old but the words are very refreshing, just can't thank God enough)and i hope you like it too. The title of the song is THANK YOU FOR LOVING ME.

A puzzle for my beloved readers, which of these dates is my birthday???? Don't check on facebook oo, i'll know. There'll be a prize but i will only reveal it on my birthday. 


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