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Know the resources available to you and know how to use them effectively

Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, June 23, 2012 | 12:50 PM

Hi dearies, how are y’all doing? I’m so sorry about the silence on Lynnville this past week. Work’s been so demanding and consuming much of my time coupled with other extra-curricular activities. Anyway, Lynn is back on the block.

Sometime on bbm, I saw this image on a friend’s display picture (dp) and I just laughed over it. Later again after about 3 months ago, I saw it again on twitter and that was actually when it made sense. It is very true that no matter how many resources someone has, if he/she doesn’t know how to use them, it will never be enough. Imagine having dozens of ladders piled up and still can’t see above the fence when you can actually see with one ladder if you know how to make good use of it. This reminds me of two major things:

1)      The issues and problems facing Nigeria
2)     Life’s challenges

Reminiscing back to the days when a tin of milk in Naija was #1 or when a litre of fuel was #12, I can only imagine how far we would have come if the leaders we voted for made good use of the resources that were in place. Things have gone from good to bad to worse to….”God Help Nigeria”. As a little child I heard my parents saying things will change; I have grown up now and still yet to see the changes. It is sad that Nigeria, an OPEC member- producing thousands of barrels of oil imports oil from another country. It is very clear that the resources we have are not being harnessed to produce a fruitful outcome because just like the image above, they (the government) are still saying we don’t have enough resources. If only we can have leaders who have a vision towards service, people who want to see a change and know how to utilise the resources effectively. People whose eyes are not on the price but those who want to see the work done, to create a better Nigeria.

On the issues of life - Life they say, is not a bed of roses. It comes with ups and downs and challenges that will try to throw you off balance. In the midst of all that we go through, God has given us everything that we need to enjoy life to the fullest. He has provided all things that pertain to life and godliness. He has furnished you with every material resource that you need to live a fulfilled life. It’s funny how we prefer to run to friends, family, acquaintances etc first before consulting God in times of need. It’s like knowing you can get thousands of fishes in a net with just one throw but choosing instead to get the fishes one by one using hook and line and end up spending weeks achieving a result we would have achieved in a day.

So I want to encourage you today to take advantage of the resources made available to you in Christ; let your first point of contact in every situation be Him. He’s got more than enough to meet every need, exceedingly abundantly, more than you can ever ask or think. Don’t go round in circles and wait for the situation to escalate before you realize you’ve been heaping up ladders when you could have just used one to get through that wall.

Know the resources available to you and know how to use them effectively.

Lynn :)

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