
News Update :


Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, April 12, 2012 | 3:03 PM

This week something remarkable happened in Argentina; something beyond human imagination and far above medical comprehension. It was a MIRACLE, just when all hope was lost, when everyone had given up. Read the story below.

An Argentine woman Analía Bouter, gave birth to a “stillborn” baby but found her alive in a hospital morgue 12 hours after doctors pronounced the infant dead. She  said she insisted on seeing the body of her daughter, born three months prematurely, to say goodbye to her properly and was taken to the morgue by staff at the Hospital. The baby was apparently taken directly to the morgue after being declared dead. But only 12 hours after her baby was pronounced dead by doctors last Tuesday morning, Mrs Bouter found her breathing in one of the morgue’s drawers.

She told Argentine television that she thought she was hallucinating when she opened the tiny coffin and found the infant still breathing. She said the baby let out a whimper as if she was waking up from a nap.

Mrs Bouter said doctors told her that “nobody knows how she could have survived 12 hours in a refrigerated room.”Her husband, who had already taken steps to obtain a death certificate, had asked to see his daughter before she was taken to the morgue, but doctors told him the drawer had already been shut and that he would have to wait.

“I folded back the blanket and we saw her hands moving. I couldn’t believe it. I was speechless,” he said.

A morgue worker quickly picked up the girl and confirmed she was alive. Then, Mrs Bouter’s brother grabbed the baby and ran to the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit, shouting for help.

The baby was so cold, Mrs Bouter said, that “it was like carrying a bottle of ice.”
The young couple have named their daughter, who is now recovering in hospital, Luz Milagro, which translates as Light Miracle.

Meanwhile, the Perrando hospital has suspended the medical staff involved in the birth while they conduct an investigation. The hospital's director Jose Luis Meirino said: ‘At the moment we have no explanation. The baby was attended to by obstetricians, gynecologists and a neonatologist. They all reached the same conclusion, that this girl was stillborn.’

WHAT A MIRACLE? Sometimes scientific discoveries and theories tend to challenge God but HE always intervenes to let them know that there is none other than HIM. My reason for posting this article is to encourage you. When life seems shaky and unstable, when you feel like all hope is lost, when there’s nowhere else to go, when you can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel…DON’T PANIC, GOD is working behind the scenes. Different parts of this story encouraged me and i want to share them with you:

  •      The baby was born three months prematurely: when God is on your case, HE doesn’t look at your age or level in life. You may think you’re under-qualified for that job, or too small to make an impact in your world, or maybe you are still a junior staff in your company and you think your ideas will not profit anything. Hey…don’t limit God with your thoughts, He can turn the tiniest seed into a mighty tree and He’s on your case right now so expect greater miracles.
  •            Nobody knows how she could have survived 12 hours in a refrigerated room: This got me thinking cos even a full grown adult may not have survived even 10 hours in a refrigerator. During that trying period, God sustained you and provided even in difficult times. Now your miracle has come; It will surely blow minds and people who hear it will tremble because it will be beyond what the human mind can fathom. They will wonder how you managed to come this far, how you achieved this success. Everyone will wonder how you could have done it, how possible? Just tell them…Yeah, everything is possible cos even the word impossible says “I’M POSSIBLE”.
  •  She said she insisted on seeing the body of her daughter, born three months prematurely, to say goodbye to her properly: No matter what people tell you to discourage you, refuse to allow negative talks stop you from pressing on. Stand firm on your faith and hold on to the word of God.
  •           The Perrando hospital has suspended the medical staff involved in the birth while they conduct an investigation: All those who were against you will be put to shame.
  •   Notice how many sites and media carried the news worldwide, so your success story will be spread abroad and the world will know that God has done it again. When God does something in your life, it will be open for the world to see and all the glory will be ascribed to Him. He will show you off to the world. Genesis 12: 2And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you [with abundant increase of favours] and make your name famous and distinguished, and you will be a blessing [dispensing good to others].” (AMP)

Many more sites and media were involved in spreading this good news. I put just 6 cos of space, it's all over the web.

So my dearest, RELAX...God is in perfect control. Your miracle is on the way, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, after the night...the morning will always come. So prepare to share your testimonies cos your miracle is  closer than you think.

I hope you were encouraged. Have a lovely weekend.
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