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Penulis : Unknown on Monday, May 27, 2013 | 3:39 AM

Life is like a disco box; however the music changes, just keep dancing and if you're like me...then you know you have to change your style as well. Different styles to different tunes as the music plays but no matter what just keep dancing. 

I haven't blogged in a while or written an article for almost 2 weeks; been out & about dancing to the music of life and learning to stay focused irrespective of how the music changes. Life handed me lemons; but I peeled it, squeezed  it and enjoyed the sizzling lemonade juice I made out of it. When things happen to you, the issue is not what happened but what happens to you after that event. How you handle the situation determines what becomes of're either propelled forward, stuck in a spot or pushed backwards. It's your choice. This is exactly the point where you realize that you're stronger than you thought you were; the time where you put on a smiling face, look the situation in the face and give it a big blow in the head. I was dealing with so many things at the same time, with a smile on my face and never for once did anyone imagine that I had any care in the world. There were expectations from work, family, friends and I made sure I stayed strong in order to meet these expectations. No one could tell...inside of me I knew I was growing stronger with each day that passed. Holding on to God was the surest thing cos His word is absolutely dependable and reliable, that's what kept me going. 

Isaiah 43:2-When you pass through the waters, 
will be with you;And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,
Nor shall the flame scorch you.

I would not specifically tell you what happened but I'm writing this article to encourage someone today. Life is sweet, life is beautiful but just like gold, you may have to go through the fire to come out shining brighter than ever. But while in the fire, when the flames get so hot, remember Isaiah 43:2. Think about the beauty that will follow after the situation, cos without tests there will be no testimonies. When challenges come, it means there's a glory set ahead of you...a moment for you to shine, a route to your promotion. How will you know that you are strong if there is nothing to test your strength? How would you know that you've got faith in God if there's nothing to shake your faith?  So stay strong and know that "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"....especially when you've got the Big-G (God) on your side. Learn to encourage yourself cos you may not always have people around you; a smile is the best fashion you'll need during this time and no matter how the music changes...NEVER STOP DANCING. Live, laugh and deserve the best things of life and no amount of challenge can stop you from enjoying life to the fullest cos you're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think & twice as beautiful as you'd ever imagined. 


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