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Penulis : Unknown on Sunday, February 24, 2013 | 3:01 PM

                    Our TODAY is the TOMORROW that we thought about YESTERDAY

The celebration started on the 14th; I was surprised at work with birthday gifts and showers of love from colleagues. I had taken the day off so I wouldn't have to work on my birthday. I expected that anything my team members wanted to do for me was going to be on Monday 18th but I was caught unaware on Thursday. Thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes and greetings, God bless you.

As early as 12:00 am on 15th, calls started rolling in, sms, etc; I thanked God that another year had been added to my years of impact on planet earth. Friends started a week before to ask what I was doing on my birthday. Well, this is what I did--reflecting on the years gone by...where I am now, where I was coming from and where I am heading to. 5 years ago I could see the woman I am today; I was not there yet but I knew I was getting here and I'm still moving towards a vision. When I was 16 years old, someone called me a failure because I had D7 in Mathematics in WAEC even though I had aced Phy-Chem-Bio (my core subjects) and did excellently in English and Economics. I cried because it came from someone I looked up to; but I did something remarkable after that. I always had a writing pad or diary or something to put down my thoughts in black & white; so I had a diary at that time and I wrote these words: "I am a SUCCESS and my success starts today no matter what anyone thinks". I had tears rolling down my cute lil cheeks but that day, I was determined  to be a success and knew that my life could only be upwards and forward only. I envisioned my future as I wrote those words and I saw a great woman. Now, 10 years later... I can look back at those days and smile. Those words I heard as a child could have gone in two directions... destroy my future if I accept it and see myself as a failure OR propel me towards greatness if I reject it and see every opportunity to succeed. I chose to succeed because the vision I had seen was all about success, it was a clear picture of my future. Where do you want to see yourself in the next 5, 10, ... years? If you can see it... then you can have it. Use your imaginative creativity; see into the future, it looks beautiful right? Yeah... mine too. So on this journey to the future, I'll share with you the steps I'll be taking to make sure I reach my desired goal and I want you to join me on this journey. 
D7 in Maths (2003)  Merit (MA) Int'l Biz Mgt (2011)
Got a job immediately can only be GOD.
What can you see for yourself?

DISCLAIMER: As a regular reader of this blog, having gotten to this point; you have been sentenced to a lifetime of success. Pls remain silent and read on as it is too late for you to change your mind. There is no option for bail, sorry it's a lifetime of success. 

1. Locate Your Present Position in any area of life you are looking to make progress in.
The first step to take in positioning yourself for advancement is to locate yourself, to answer the question - Where am I now? In other words, to take stock and review the present situation. The reason for doing this is not to cry or lament about the situation, but because you are getting ready for a testimony, you are getting ready for progress.

2. Envision What the Next Level Should be
Having taken stock of where you are, it is time to create a picture of the next level, a picture of where you desire to be. The principle of vision is a very important principle in the kingdom of God. Several times when the Lord brought His Word to His people, He would ask them to ‘See’. Not because they weren’t using their eyes, rather, He was calling on a higher function of the human spirit, calling on them to use their imaginative ability and picture their desires from their spirits. A classic example is the story of Joshua before the city of Jericho. It’s huge, impregnable and intimidating walls stood before the Children of Israel and God’s promised land for them. The Lord needed to raise Joshua’s vision, He said to him “See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valor.” Joshua did as the Lord bade him and subsequently led the Children of Israel in a glorious conquest of the land of Jericho.

3. Determine what you must do to get there.
After seeing the end result, you must determine what to do to bring that picture to pass. This is where you make your input. Determine what resources, effort, materials, money, information etc you need to put in. The Holy Spirit, our teacher, will guide you as to what these things should be.

4. JUST Do it – Take Action
Now you know where you are presently, you’ve created the picture of where you are going by the Word of God and you have determined what you must do to get there. Now it’s time to do it - time to take action. It’s time to take those steps of faith and watch the Lord back you up with his mighty power. 

I am eternally grateful to God for placing me in a ministry where I am constantly growing everyday in the knowledge of His word. Being under the tutelage of a great man & woman such as Pastor Chris & Rev Anita Oyakhilome is a blessing...everything I pour out on this blog is a part of what I've learnt from them through the inspiration of the holyspirit. I tell you, there's only one way of success and it's doing it the way of the Lord.

Psalm 17:4 (The Message Translation)
I’m not trying to get my way
    in the world’s way.
I’m trying to get your way,
    your Word’s way.
I’m staying on your trail;
    I’m putting one foot
In front of the other.
    I’m not giving up.

Have a beautiful week ahead.

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